"Thank you." She said quietly.

Her mother hugged her tightly and thanked Peter again. He nodded and they said their goodbyes. Peter walked back to the crosswalk but to his dismay, it had turned green while he was saving Hannah and was now back on red.

"Ughhhhh." He groaned. "Guess I'm not going to be early."

He walked away from the crosswalk, deciding to just walk the rest of the way to school. He turned onto one of the less busy roads and looked both ways before he started to cross. Then out of nowhere, his spidey sense went off and he went flying through the air. He hit the ground a few feet away and groaned, more annoyed than anything.

"Seriously? Today was supposed to be a good day!" He shouted up at the sky then added under his breath, "Dam Parker luck."

As he lay there, his super hearing picked up the conversation the people in the car were having.

"You can't just run people over because we're in a hurry! It's against the law!" One of the people scolded.

The person sounded male and very familiar but Peter couldn't quite place it.

"Screw the law. We have a mission to do and we're already an hour late because you decided you wanted ice cream!" This person was female and also very familiar.

"At least see if the person you just hit is okay." The man sighed.

Peter heard car doors open and close and two sets of footsteps coming his way. He closed his eyes as the pain from the landing caught up to him. Thankfully, it wasn't anything too terrible just some scratches and bruises that would be better by morning.

He heard someone crouch down next to him and shake his shoulder.

"Hey kid, you okay?" The female asked briskly.

He opened his eyes and saw the Black Widow and Captain America staring back at him. He let out a shout of surprise and jumped away. They looked at him, confused.

"Sorry." Peter blushed. "You just surprised me. And yes, I'm fine. Just late for school."

"We'll give you a ride. It's the least we could do after Nat ran you over." Captain America told him while Black Widow studied him.

"No it's okay. You don't have to do that." Peter said quickly.

"C'mon kid, you're really gonna turn down a chance to be driven to school by a couple of the avengers?" Black Widow asked.

"...fine." Peter agreed.

Black Widow helped him up and they all got in the car.

"Where to?" Captain America asked.

Peter noticed that he was driving now instead of Black Widow.

"Midtown High." Peter told him.

"So, kid, what's your name? I'm Natasha, as you already know. And that's Steve." Natasha gestured to her and Steve.

"Peter." Peter introduced himself.

"So, Peter, how come you're not more injured from being hit by a vehicle going eighty miles per hour?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nat." Steve warned. "He's just a kid. Leave him be."

"No. It's suspicious and it might be important to know later." Natasha argued.

"I landed on my backpack mostly." Peter offered before their argument could continue.

"Hm." Natasha studied him again.

"We're here. Peter, it was nice meeting you. We're really sorry for hitting you with our car." Steve said, parking in the parking lot.

"It's okay." Peter smiled at them. "Thank you for the ride!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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