"They both look really good on you, the red gives you more of a menacing look while the orange brings less of it out." (Y/n) discussed the pros as well as cons of the two jackets he was holding.

Formaggio, on the other hand, was glad to hear another opinion, but his goal was to leave the store with a purchased item rather than empty-handed.

"R-Really...you think so?" He was ecstatic as she continued. "Maybe I should get both, the colors are really nice and high quality too!"

He placed the items in his basket before moving to a different section of the store. "I am sorry for being rude before, could I please get your name? You are extremely nice for someone your age."

(Y/n) was taken aback by his sudden interest in her name. 'I don't want to form any attachments; I'll give him a fake one.' Mustering up a pleasant smile, she walked up to him, sticking out her (s/c) hand.

"Nice to meet you; the name is (fake name)!" Formaggio smiled, ruffling her already messed-up hair. "Nice to meet you; my name is Formaggio!" He puffed up his chest like he was proud of himself.

(Y/n) faked her shock at his name, an insincere smile forming. "Cheese, is that really your name? Your mom must have been hungry when naming you."

Formaggio didn't seem bothered, laughing off her remark. 'Blunt ass child.' he thought with a deadpan.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. It's my name," he shrugged, gazing at the young girl's attire. Her clothes were ripped here and there, making her look like a street rat.

"You shopping as well?" he pointed to her shopping bag. "I bet it feels nice having something completely new and different to wear." (Y/n) was glad that he wasn't being rude or harsh towards her.

His complete personality was unknown to her because the only cameos that showed some of his personality were his interactions with Narancia, his squad, or snippets of information from the fandom.

"Yeah, just getting a few things," she admitted to him. "Well then, that's nice to know!" he smiled, giving her one more hard ruffle before walking off.

"Bye (fake name)!" The meeting was cut short as he pushed his cart into a different aisle. After he was gone from her sight, she went back to her area to finish scanning her items.

After she paid, she immediately left the store, hoping to get away from any unknown characters that might appear.

♡————TIME SKIP—————♡

Finally finding her way to a hotel, she ran inside, eager to finally sleep on a bed. Running up to check in, she slammed down the huge wad of Lira. "For a couple of nights, please, and keep the change!" The receptionist handed her the keys to the room as well as a calling book for her hotel room.

"Thank you, Signora." They gratefully took the change to put away. The receptionist was a young woman who had sun-kissed skin, her blond hair pinned in a bun, and a steam-pressed suit she wore as her uniform.

"Oh, before you leave, we have breakfast in the dining room at ||8:00 a.m.|| ; it's free of charge, so don't be late." The receptionist reminded (Y/N).

"Thank you; I'll keep that in mind!" Free food was always a good thing, so it was a total steal for the young girl. She didn't regret going through that man's wallet because it was helping her more than him at this point. 'Bastards dead anyway,' she mentally shrugged it off.

She took one final look at the entrance before walking to the elevator and selecting floor 5. The button turned on and began to glow as the elevator descended.

𝑴𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 (JJBA)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя