Classic Date?

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Genre: Fluff :) with smutty ideas ;)

Freedom was quite panicked. He had just invited January, the woman from the clearing which was ironic since the only thing he couldn't do was clear her from his thoughts, on a date.
It was a simple classic kind of date; you know. Restaurant, nice meal, chat and then take her back to her apartment; kind of classic. 
He was nervous, yet also hoping the last part of the date didn't happen, inviting someone over who had been the only constant thought on your mind for about a month or two; was more nerve-wracking then it needed to be. What made it worse was how they were really close friends, pretty much best friends, he didn't want to ruin that.
He had planned to pick her up at seven, it was currently six-thirty. Getting himself ready, all he could picture was her.
God, he wanted her. He needed her.

Her heart was beating way too fast too be normal. Freedom had asked her on a date. The handsome doctor from the forest. They'd become friends since then, really close. January just wished they were just a little bit closer, maybe tonight was her chance.
Just finishing off her make-up, simple yet fascinating, she finally was ready. It was six forty-five, she had fifteen minutes too herself.
She had decided to where a black dress that dipped slightly at the top, showing enough cleavage to be classed as appropriate, and stopped just an inch above her knees. Knee high boots, inky black coloured, with golden lines scattered across them. Eventhough her hair is naturally wavy, she decide to add just a few more curls into her blood red hair. Red eyeliner fixed with grey eyeshadow and a red lip. Wearing the locket that held Elenor inside.
"Well don't you look ravishing," Elenor had remarked, more relieved to be out of the locket that she had sat in for about a week. "So whats the occasion?"
"I'm going on a date if you'd like to know," feeling her heart pound against her chest, thinking it might just pop out.
"With whom?" The obvious excitement filled Elenor's voice.
"Freedom," she muttered yet Elenor still manged to know what she said.
"Ooh, i knew you had a thing for him," she said smirking at her, which earned her a smack to ribs, "ouch."
"Right, i love you El but right now, I need to be ready for my date." Was the last sentence she let escape from her lips before putting the locket in the pocket of her denim jacket and replacing it with a ace of spades card choker.
Checking she had everything she needed in her handbag: phone, hoodie, mints, leggings, quick make-up fixer bag, purse, a book and mirror. She always carried them in her bag, normally in her rucksack.
Finally done, she moves from her bedroom down stairs to the living room. Well living room and kitchen.
Switching the TV on, thinking while she waited she could finish a few episodes of a series on Netflix. She could imagine doing this with him.
God, she wanted him. She needed him.

He had parked his car somewhere outside, right now he was outside of her apartment. Softly he knocked on the door, hearing movement come from inside seemingly getting closer to the door. Once opened, there she stood. She is utterly gorgeous is all he could think of to describe her. He wanted to just kiss her right then and there, make her feel like the only one who mattered. But alas, they had plans.
"You ready for our date?" He questioned whilst looking directly into her eyes. Grey mixing with Hazel.
"Ready as i'll ever be," she smiled. Picking up her bag, she walked alway up to his car with him. Getting in too the car, she thought about how this hopefully is the last time she gets in as a friend.
Starting the drive, it was quiet at first.
"So, what restaurant did you pick?" January asked, staring out of the window. He could tell she felt a little shy, he knew she trusted him but doesn't mean she wasn't nervous around him.
"Indian cottage, it's a new one that opened a couple of weeks ago," Trying to easy the tension he carried on, "you're nervous, aren't you?" He remarked smiling.
"Just a little, i haven't been on a date since i was seventeen." She replied.
"Three years? Wow," he then started to realise the year she stopped going on dates was the same one his when the accident happened with Courage, "that wasn't because of Courage, was it?"
"Maybe a little," it came out in a whisper but he still heard. He felt bad, she took such an impact off of the incident.
"Hey, you couldn't have prevented that. No one could, that's something I have learned to acknowledge." He bravely moved one had and rubbed circles of comfort on her right hand. She smiled with butterflies filling up her stomach.

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