"Wether they take action out of the kindness of their heart, or the evil of their mind,"

With that a cackle was elicited from the divine, "who's to say one can not be both," it said with a mocking tone.

Seira opened her mouth to respond, but it quickly closed like a mousetrap onto a rodent. Who was to say one can not be both, for humans walked along the cracks of both sides. She had walked that line her whole life. She had dealt out judgement when she was not in the position to do so, and she did such acts of so called righteousness with sinful tactics. She swore her soul was pure, but her grotesque hands that ran red with blood like a river of dead bodies objected such naive thinking.

"What do you want with me," was all Seira could respond with.

"I am fascinated with the contradiction that warps your soul, so I would like you to make a deal with me." The now unmasked devil moved closer to Seira, kneeling down to her crooked position like a worshipper kneeling to its god.

"I don't make deals with devil's. I kill them," Seira growled like a rabid dog ready to bite the hand that feeds it.

"That's were my contradiction comes into play, and mine may benefit you," The hands of the being cupped Seira's cheeks, "I am no mere devil, for I am the god devil." It's name spilled like sweet honey into Seira's ears, and she gobbled up its title like a starved animal.

"How can a devil be a god," she questioned.

"Devil's are formed out of fear, and how do you think a god conquers mankind?"

She knew devils were created from fear, and she also knew anything was possible. The rotting world she lived on that scarred and scorched her feet preached the abnormal, and monsters taking form of mankind's demons swore their allegiance their home of hell fire. Nothing was normal about the world, nothing was normal about Seira's life, and nothing was normal about this situation.

"What do you want with me," Seira prodded the question again, but really she wanted to know what this deal entailed.

"I want to live inside your soul, and I want you to kill the devil's that killed me in hell."

"And what do I receive from this deal besides unimaginable power," Seira asked with venom dripping from every word spilled from her cracked lips.


There it was, what Seira had longed for her whole life. It was giving itself to her like a whore served on a silver platter, and all she had to do was agree to the arrangements. She need only say yes and all her dreams and ambitions come true, but at the price of returning to her old life of blood shed and death.

"The path to paradise begins in hell," was all Seira needed to say for the deal to be made.

In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth, and on the first day he said let there be light, and so day and night were created. On the second day he said let there be a vault between the waters, and so the sky was painted. On the third day he created the land and nature, and both thrived in his words. On the fourth day god created time, and so the sun and moon both rose high and mighty in their respected sky. On the fifth day god created the animals that would thrive off the waters and the land, and both lived in harmony in their respected homes. On the sixth day god created mankind in his perfect image, but they would later turn their backs to such love to achieve what they thought could be freedom.

On the seventh day he resurrected a perfectly balanced woman, one who would merge and walk all three paths of mankind, devil, and god. She would become his double edged sword, but she would dedicate herself to his perfect image. She would return mankind to their creator, and she would destroy all those who opposed his words. She would be the one man army that would drive the devils to extinction.

 She would be the one man army that would drive the devils to extinction

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( WORD COUNT ) 1699
—— unedited

and here is the prologue of my soon to be favorite story. i'm really liking this prologue a lot, for i love the simplicity, but complex moments a lot. anywho, i hope you lovely souls enjoyed and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

i love you, my lovely little souls!

i love you, my lovely little souls!

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𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, chainsaw manWhere stories live. Discover now