Chapter One

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Chapter One

Mommy and Daddy where fighting again. Or at least that's what they called themselves. It could have been something like Teresa and Alex where fighting, or Annie and Marcus where fighting. But no, they where fighting like every single unstable couple. That is if they even where a couple, they could be just parents. No, they had to be a couple.

Byrd sprawled across her bed. If only she could reach the pi-SLAM! The trailor door slammed, the faint creaking was heard, before it popped back open. Who was it that left today? Mommy or Daddy? Last week it was Sissy, and she took Bubby with her leaving Byrd behind. She sniffled, every Friday someone was forced to leave the house, Mommy and Daddy fighting every three weeks or less. The Titles family, or at least that's what Byrd thought was there last name, was dysfunctional. No one had a school education, or a job.

Either way, the pillow calmed her. Tumbling off the bed and landing on the fluffy pillow, Byrd brought her hands to her chest. The thud was muffled for she didn't hit the exact ground, and she landed in a soft paradise. If only she could escape the world, life would be easier. It was only seven or so PM, but Bubby was fast asleep in his bed across from her. Perhaps it was strange for to share a room with your little brother, but not to Byrd. Sissy slept on the couch's pull out bed, and her parents had the only other room in the trailor.

Standing up, she looked over at Bubby. I do hope he isn't having another nightmare, his covers had fallen off sometime while Mommy and Daddy. Byrd walked over to him, bending down to be level with his bed, tucking him in. Opening up the bedroom door Sissy was revealed laying in bed, watching TV. It was the only television in the house, boy was her sister lucky. But they got along decent and sometimes Byrd was allowed to come and sit on the couch, watching her favorite Disney shows, wishing for a life like Jessie.

Why wasn't life as it was in fairytales? Why couldn't she take the place of Alice in Wonderland? Well right now she was stuck in the thick air and sea of silence as she stood watching Sissy as Sissy watched her. "Who left..." Byrd croaked, it was more of a statement then a question. It was one of those moments where if someone didn't break the silence, everyone may just end up sufficating. That's how it always was with a family who was so widely spread apart.

"Xavier." How come Sissy didn't call him Daddy? "Him and Catrine got in a fight about school again, how he needed to finish college, and how we need an education. But you know, Catrine said how we didn't have enough money." If you thought about it, you would realize how Sissy looked the same age of Mommy and Daddy. It had never occured to Byrd that she could have just been found on the streets when she was young, or adopted from an old orphanage. Perhaps, thats why the prefered to be called by Mommy and Daddy, maybe that is why Sissy calls them something else.

She sat down on the couch, the springs rather uncomfortable. She took in her sisters features, charchoal eyes with a aquiline nose. Nothing like Byrd, she had a celestial nose with blue eyes.Though they both had long blonde hair, that made her feel better. They had to be a real family, even Bubby had is short and messy ruffled strawberry blonde hair. "Maybe I should talk to Mommy," Byrd stood up squeezing through the small space between the TV and the couch. "She probably just needs to relax."

"Knock yourself out Byrd, but it's going to take awhile before Catrine cools off completely. Good luck," Sissy pulled out the bed after Byrd had successfully made it to their parents bedroom door. Knocking her knockles against the plastic, she waited for Mommy to answer. How come Sissy calls her Catrine? That's odd, calling your mother by her first name, thought Byrd to herself. Her knuckles still resting against the door, she heard the lock click out of place.

She stumbled back as Mommy swung the door open, stopping just before the back of her knees slammed into the cold metal bars of the couch's exposed arm. "What is it Byrd?" Mommy arched her eyebrow revealing a row of piercings. She looked so young for a mom, especially when she had her hair pulled up into red pigtails. Pippy Longstockings, that is who she would be if she wasn't the mom of the Titles. Byrd remembered Halloween when she was five, where Mommy took Bubby as her pet monkey trick or treating dressed up as young Pippy.

If it wasn't for her mother's stubborness, Byrd may of had a nice relationship with someone in her family. They share interests, like the same books, but Mommy is to afraid to open up to anyone. "Are you okay, Catrine?" The last word quietly slipped without any warning. Byrd's tiny arms wrapped arounf Mommy's waist, pulling her into a small hug. Pushed away she went tumbling back onto the pull out. Sissy lay on the other side, ignoring the scene until their parent's bedroom door slammed shut, then she looked over at the blonde monster hiding her sister's face.

Byrd swiped her bangs out of her eyes, before slinking onto the floor. "I'm going to bed," she whispered. She stood up and walked to her room. When she reached her bed she immediently fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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