Dolores Umbridge

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Wilbur's POV:

My friends and I started to walk into the carriages. The creatures in front of me were insane.

"Hey, have you guys ever noticed those creatures pulling the carriage?" I ask my friends.

"Don't be silly, Wilbur. Nothing's pulling the carriage!" Penny told me.

"I can see them too." Hiro said.

"See what? I agree with Penny, nothing's there!" Vi proclaimed. I looked back at the creatures and then back at my friends.

"What are they?" I questioned.

"They're thestrals, Wil. You can only see them if you've witnessed death. Wait, you've seen death?" Hiro says.

"Yes, my Grandpa Bud died this summer from devil's snare, right in front of me!" I told them. I've finally decided that I need to start opening up to them. And this was the first step.

"Oh, we're really sorry!" Penny apologized.

"It's okay, you've witnessed death, Hiro?" I ask him.

"My parents died in front of me." he utters. We sit the rest of the way in silence, what would we talk about? People dying?! We make it to the castle and walked into the Great Hall. I see the teachers that I usually see. Professor McGonagall the headmistress. Professor Marazion the Transfigurations teacher. Professor Slughorn the Potions teacher. Professor Flitwick the Charms teacher. Professor Trelawny the Divination teacher. Professor Bins the History of Magic teacher. Professor Sinistra the Astronomy teacher. My favorite teacher, Professor Longbottom who teaches Herbology. can't be! There was a toad like lady wearing all pink and had a cat pin. I nudge Hiro in the arm and he sees my mortified expression and asks what's wrong. I point to the person. His eyes bulged when he saw who it was. I can't believe it! Why would Professor McGongall let HER back?! Oh right you don't know who it is!

Dolores Umbridge.

My mind was yelling and telling me to run, but my gut said I should stay.

"If we escape now, we might be able to catch the train!" I whispered to Hiro.

"Maybe not yet, give her one of your jokes and will go from there!" he whispers back. Maybe a Nose Bleed Nougat would do. But, man I want to use a Puking Pastel so bad! Professor McGonagall was about to speak so we had to sit at our house tables. I sat with the rest of my Quidditch team over in the middle of the table. Thank god I was away from Merida! Seriously she threatens me everyday with her bow and arrow! Owen Wriggleton was the captain and the Keeper. Ainsley Johansson, Annie Spriggs, and Kaitlyn Bellington are the Chasers. And Freddie and Greg Wynter were the Beaters. They were all very good but they say I'm the best. I can't deny them, I am the best! We all cheered for the first years who made it into Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall tapped her glass which wasn't enough to quiet anyone.

"Settle down, students!" McGonagall called out to get everyone's attention. Everyone cut off their conversations and listens to her. "Thank you, now let's begin the sorting!" We cheered for all the first years that made it into Gryffindor. "Now before I begin my speech, we have..." I could hear McGonagall mutter "oh no" under her breath before she started her next sentence. "Professor Dolores Umbridge returning to the post of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Umbridge stood up but no one clapped for her. We were too horrified to. Her incisive smile and her obsession of cats was the creepiest thing. While Professor McGonagall was talking, Umbridge kept clearing her throat until McGonagall snapped. "Uhh, Professor Umbridge, what do you want?"

"I have a speech planned!" she said as she made her way in front of the table of teachers. People were muttering and whispering things to others.

"What do you think she's going to say?" Annie whispered to me.

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