the Eastern Genocide

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in the First Days of Yanukovych 80 Percent of the Countrys Money was Invested in the Military Many People were Kidnaped and ansigned in the UAF Nazi Units were used as an Secret Police 400.000 People Many Military Bases were built and the West Send Military aid to the Ukrainian Ara Battalion which had built a Base at the Pipe Plant and Shelled Donetzk with Artellery the Group had 49 People in 30 UAF Soldiers and the rest were Aidar Fighters Acording to Ukriniform the Group used Artellery to shell the Homes of Rada Members Loyal to Yanukovytch which there is no Proof of after the Shellings which hit the Cheapest Apartments in the City killed 12 People After that The Group was seen in in Slavyansk were AFU Built their Forces up since January 25 February 2014 Ukrainain Tanks and Armored Vehicles flood the City of Donetzk and Later Para Raids and Shellings in Luhansk Statement of the DPR led by Igor Kakidzyanov in the night 2 PM Our Soldiers say Ukrainain Forces from Slaviansk moved to Horliwka with tanks and Armored Vehicles they were under the Order of Tuchimov not Yanukovytsch the Captured the City then they Cleaned the City and killed 30 of our Comrades who lived their were killed under the Order of Volodmyr Rybak who showed them the Civilians to kill Jurij Djakowskyj a Right Sector Member who was Installed in the City took Part in the Massacre at the 

Styrol Pak, Ooo Building were the Bodies of 30 Civilians were found by the Militia later After that they left 29 Right Sector Members theire to Search for more Civilians which Coperated with the Donetzk Authorities 

After that they Shelled the Administrative Building in Yassinuvta Sergey Martvienko and 3 Others died Sergey was a Organizer of the First Anti Maidan Protest on 23 February his Wife was killed by Ukrainian Police his sun was Beaten up during the Protest 69 Anti Maidan Members Retreated to Mineralne and Broke in the AFU Weapon Depot there and Stole Riffles and Grenades they Called me and Explainend what Happend the Building of the Donetzk Party was later Opend 49 Dead Civilians were found we Blocked the Streat out of Yassinuvta a rocket hit the White Building on the Other Side of the Highway it was Supposed to hit us we Built Bases in the Apartments near the Highway Grenades Hit the Bushed outside of the Apartment Vitali Boradai Ran at us he Screamed the killed Milana und Valandin at the Party Building they are Clearing the City they have tanks Run away you cant Stop them a Sniper shot him in the Head an he laid dead on the Higway AFU Trucks came out of the City we threw Grenades at them and managed to Destroy 2 Trucks we couldnt Stop them during the AFU Operation in Donetzk and Luhansk 39.000 Civilians were killed the Remaining Authorities Retreated to 

Krasnyj Lutsch were they meet Igor Wenediktowitsch Plotnizki and his 290 Soldiers who told how AFU Paratroopers Destroyed their City and killed Hundreds of Thousands of Civilians 69.000 Deaths could have Been Proven During the Time Period by the Hands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces 15.000 Rape Cases and 20.000 Persons we're kidnapped

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