Elena's First Day Back

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I have attended school since the incident and so has Jeremy but Elena hasn't. Jenna decided that Elena got time off to recover and mourn.

I have always been closer to my brother than I have to Elena, you see I am the oldest child of Myranda and Grayson and as a result I have always looked after my brother.

When I was walking down the hall with Jeremy I noticed Stefan and I knew it wouldn't be long before Damon arrived. I gave Jeremy a bracelet and told him to keep it on and hidden at all times and if someone tries to get him to do anything to just act like he is complying.

After the crash I made sure that Jeremy knew about the supernatural and what to do to survive. I graduate in two days so I asked to see my parents will with Jeremy.

The will stated that Jenna only got custody of Elena and that Elena was never our sister but our cousin. It also said that I have custody of Jeremy.

Elena kept trying to tell Jeremy what to do and she even got Jenna involved not knowing about what the will said.

"Hey can you sign my permission form please?" Jeremy asked me. "Sure just go get it." Jenna said. Jeremy replied "Umm I was talking to Lyra as our parents will states she has custody of me."

"Sure Jer. Get ready and I will sign it in the car before we leave for school and if you insist on doing drugs then at least open your window please." I said.

We get in the car where I sign his slip and then we leave for school. When we get there I send Jeremy on his way because I noticed Stefan coming our way. When Stefan gets to me he tells me "What you're doing isn't right."

I just ignore him and walk away and into school to get the day done with.

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