Chapter 1

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Set sometime in S3 of BTR and after AOU

italics indicate flashback

why do I always get good ideas/the motivation to write when I'm supposed to be studying X0

Almost 2 years ago they were 4 normal boys from Minnesota who loved hockey. 8 months ago they were a boyband. 7 months ago they decided to take a mini vacation. 6 months ago they 'died'. 6 months ago they woke up in a cell-like room. 6 ½ months ago they got powers. 6 ½ months ago they escaped to New York. 5 months ago they found a home in the sewers. 4 months later they found themselves in a fairly comfortable living space in a storm sewer. They had managed to reconfigure some of the pipes to provide them with fresh clean water for drinking and bathing in, set up booby-traps around the sewers and a computer system as well as a separate network, it wasn't easy after they found out that they were 'dead', but they made it work, got new identities and a new life. As long as they had each other, that's all that mattered.

Logan sighed as he placed down his worn-out book, they couldn't yet afford to spend money on luxuries as most of their money was used for food, clothing other essentials, they mostly got their books and other sources of entertainment that were either thrown out or donated, things that wouldn't be missed. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned his head back against his bed frame, it was still hard to believe that less than a year ago they were a famous boy band, but now they were...fugitives? Vigilantes? Dead? He didn't even know. It was killing all of them that they couldn't even see their families again, but Kendall was definitely the most affected. He had practically raised Katie after his dad had died when he was 7 and Katie was 3, his mom was busy trying to keep a roof over their head, so Kendall was the one who taught Katie how to read, how to write, taught how to tie her shoes, sang her to sleep, cooked her meals. Hell, he even brought her along whenever he and the other hung out together, they didn't mind as Katie was different from your typical little sister, and they all loved her, Logan yawned and rubbed his eyes, he laid back and closed his eyes quickly falling asleep.





Shadows grabbing his friends.

Hands grabbing him.

"Are they alive?"


"good. grab them and get out of here before no one sees"

"yes sir"

Logan snapped awake, his breathing heavily as he tried to shake the nightmare...memory away. Shaking his head, Logan stood up and walked out of his bedroom and walked into the bathroom, he splashed water on his face and looked into the mirror. It still startled him that his eyes were no longer dark brown; they were now an electric blue colour, and his brunette hair was now sandy blonde. Just another thing those basterds had taken away from them, sighing he walked out of the bathroom and into the main room to a box of parts he had gotten from old phones, computers and MP3s that people had thrown out.

"hey, Logan! Check this out!" Logan turned to see Carlos jogging towards him "look! Someone threw out a Starkphone!"

"Seriously?!" Logan exclaimed and Carlos handed him the device, there was no denying the sleek and modern design of the Starkphone mark 4. "oh, this is perfect! A few pieces from this and Widget will be all done!" Logan turned to the nearly complete owl that lay on his desk. Widget the owl was a project he had been building for almost a year, he was hoping that with Widget, she would be their lookout or a friendly companion. Both worked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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