Chapter One-I layed my eye's on you

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The new member

chapter one
i layed my eye's on you

chapter onei layed my eye's on you

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Bonten gang

Third person's pov

"So what do you think Mister Sano?"The man smiled wider as he layed the piece of paper on the table with  pen in case the man he was dealing with can already sign it.

Manjirou leaned on the sofa and look at the piece of paper who had contract with it.He stands up along with the paper and rip it in front of the man who just smiled when he did that

Manjirou left with Sanzu on his behind,walking on the red carpet as he take his steps closer on the door and finally left leaving the man who wants to deal with him,

"Sanzu leave"

As soon as sanzu hears that he obeyed without any second thoughts,and bowed as he left.Mikey wandered the place of mister sato,then suddenly he saw a man with ciggarette on his mouth as he take a puff

The boy's face was so fragile as it looks,if he is not good at looking people he will mistake the boy as a girl,His ocean baby blue eye's we're dull its as if,if you stare at his eye's deeper you will be drowned by its beauty.

People would occasionally mistake him for a foreigner when they noticed the breadth of his nose and the lighter colour of his eyes.

Thin lips have a slender appearance. Both- upper and lower lips have a similar thickness,his long lashes that was breath taking to stare at,his pale white skin suits him the most,

Sun setting in the background, hitting the boy’s skin gently, the wind howling as it made the trees outside shake, leaves falling from their stems,But what mikey get confused is why is this fragile boy doing at this kind of place

Mikey don't care anymore he don't want to think anymore cause its a waste of time,when he was about to turn his head to the exit he saw a man wearing a black mask and have an poisonous inject on him ready to inject the beautiful boy ,it seems that the man staring at the wide and big window doesn't know what was happening in his surroundings.

When mikey was about to help him,The man drop his ciggarette and step on it as he round kick the man on the neck he grab his collar and gave the man with a calm smile as he twist his neck,

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