𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭

Start from the beginning

"bye bruh, not you clapping like it was a real performance" she said still laughing which made him laugh too "ion know it was giving real performance but aye, imma call you back later. i'm bouta hit the stu but i just wanted to check up on you first" he told her and she nodded

"love you lil mama" he said and she smiled "love you too papa" she replied before he hung up and she sighed. she already missed him and she literally just left him today

katana got up from her vanity and walked to her bathroom, she grabbed her clips and pinned the curls up so they would stay up as she grabbed her journal where she kept her thoughts and began writing whatever came to mind as session 33 came on

she then grabbed her phone and texted one of her old friends asking if they were up and could she come over, they said yes and she got up from her bed and grabbed one of jah's black jackets she took from him and put that on before putting on her slides

she grabbed her phone and keys, texted her mom she was leaving and left out. she got in her jeep and started driving to their house

when she got their, she parked and got out and walked into their apartment building. she got in the elevator and went up to the 4th floor. when it stopped she got off and walked down the hall to their door

she knocked on the door and a short hispanic girl opened it, she smiled at katana "long time no see kitty kat" she told her teasingly and katana laughed "hey brit" she replied as the girl took her into a hug before letting her in

brit closed the door as katana sat down on the couch, she came and joined her and katana sighed. "girl i done went to florida and fell in love" she told brit which made her laugh "with who kat?" brit asked while rolling a blunt for the two and kat bit her lip thinking of jah

"x, he flew me out there single and i came back here with a man. he wants me to go down there and live with him at some point" she replied to brit as she took the blunt and lit it before taking a hit. she passed it over to brit who took a hit and smiled at her "honestly kat, i think you should do it. girl i'll miss you, and ell, and stell but ain't shit here in d.c for y'all. you three have talked about getting outta here for as long as i can remember. so do it, get the fuck outta this place and don't look back. you have someone who loves you who's waiting for you, and i'm not saying do it now but in a couple months? leave this place" brit told her sincerely and kat looked over at her

the two shared a sad smile as brit passed the blunt back to kat who took another hit just as her phone started ringing. she picked it up and saw it was stell, she answered it and put it to her ear as stell started talking

"sooo, i think i'm gonna go back to florida with ski. i know it's really sudden but i really wanna be with him and besides i hate maryland. i wanna be happy and i have a chance at that in florida with stokeley but i just don't wanna leave you guys. i love y'all and it's been us against everything so i wanted to tell you that in about 2 months i'm going because i don't want you feeling abandoned okay kat?" stell said on the phone and kat could hear the despair in her voice

kat smiled sadly again "stell i want you to be happy, and if living with ski would do that than who am i to take that away from you? i love you so much estella, and i'm so happy and proud of you. nothing could break up the group, no matter how far any of us live. it's us till the end" kat replied and she heard stell burst into tears on the other side of the phone

a tear fell down her face too as the two said i love you and hung up. kat put her phone down and faced brit. "wow, we really are growing up. like i get that we're technically adults now but fuck, stell's leaving to live with ski in 2 months. ell's thinking of leaving too, and i don't know what i want to do. god i fucking hate being grown, cus it's not like i can even go to my mom and tell her to tell me no because she'll tell me that i'm 19, i'm an adult and she'll support whatever i choose. i just-" she said as her voice cracked and she began crying

brit scooped her into a hug and let her cry as brit rubbed her head and rocked the both of them back and forth. they stayed like that for a while before brit heard a soft thank you come from kat, she kissed the top of her head "you're so welcome kat, i love you ok? i'll always be here and support everything you do" brit told her and in that moment, that's all kat needed at that moment

(a/n: ngl, i'm bouta put y'all and katana through some emotional turmoil with these next few chapters

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(a/n: ngl, i'm bouta put y'all and katana through some emotional turmoil with these next few chapters. idk just feeling a bit devious me thinks. anywhore, love ya's see ya next time!
- kennie <3)

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