<CHOCOLATE CHIPS> wilbur×reader

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This story was requested by suck_itgreen_boi

I've been scared of sleeping with the lights on

The music blared.

know she's not there I know shes going to his flat

Your ears started to ring, but that's ok.

A capricorn, oh, fuck that

I looked up to the stage and saw wilbur up there, singing his heart out.
You two have known each other for four years, meeting through a mix up with a coffee order.

You always had a crush on him but you didn't think he liked you back. But seeing him up there, with his eyes closed, shouting into the mic, your heart melted.

Tonight he'll know

Soon enough the music ended and everyone walked out or stayed to chat.
You just stood there waiting. You guys had made plans to go around the town after his gig. But you were planning on telling how you felt.

You scrolled through twitter, trying to pass the time. But you eventually heard the backstage door open and wilbur walked out. You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"You did so great wil!"
"Aw thanks for coming y/n."

You let go and grab his hand.
"Are you ready?"
You look at him and his face is flushed pink.
"Oh-erm, yeah i-im ready to go."

You lead wilbur out to your car and he puts his guitar in the trunk (boot).
You lock your car and start to walk side by side with wilbur down the street.

"So where are we going first?"
Wilbur looks down at you.
"You'll see."
You respond.

You turn the corner to see the bakery that you scouted out earlier today.
"Here we are!"
You grab Wilbur's hand and walk through the door.

Time skip to when you got your desserts and are sitting on a bench in the park.

"No y/n you idiot. Cakes are not supposed to have anything the batter! That's what cookies are for."
"No cake can have chocolate chips in it!I'm literally eating some right now."
"Yeah and you're mental."
"Its good!"
"How can that taste even somewhat good?"

You stab a piece of cake and shove it in his mouth. He makes a thoughtful face and eventually says
"Its disgusting."
He says, trying to keep back a laugh
"Oh fuck off."
You push him away from you, but he just slumps so his shoulder is crushing you.
"Aw-wilbur GET OFF."
You grunt, trying to lift his shoulder off of you. He just slumps more, going completely limp.
"Hey- you're literally a HIPPO!"
You say, trying to catch your breath.
You can eventually get your arms out from under him and you push him off the bench.

He grabs your hand before you can let go so he pulls you down and you both fall off the bench.
You end up landing on something soft. You look around and you realise that you landed on wilbur. You look at his face and notice his hands are wrapped around you.

You face turns very red amd you get up off of him. You reach you hand down to help him up, your face still very flushed.
"Sorry." You apologize
"What for?"
"Well I did just use you as a crash pad"
"Your fine y/n. You're pretty light so that wasn't that bad. But forget me, I'm just a hippo."

You roll your eyes and grab your stuff.
"Come on, we have one stop left."
"Ok, lead the way."

You two started walking out of the park and to a bridge over a river. It was dark but the moon was rising, but it was freezing. You shivered but wilbur was giving off some warmth. You walk out to tye middle of the bridge, so the moon is right above the water.

"Its beautiful out here."
"Yeah it is."

You sit in comfortable silence, it was nice but you were trying to work up the courage to tell him. Suddenly wilbur put his arm around your shoulder.

Blushing like crazy, you turn to him and say
"You know this would be a very romantic setting under different circumstances."

Wilbur tensed up and removed his arm from your shoulder.
"Oh? What other circumstances?"
There was a hint of jealousy in his words.


You take a deep breath and look him in the eyes.
"Maybe, if you knew how I felt about you. Feeling like whenever I see you, I get mad butterflies. Whenever I hear you voice, it makes my day. So if you thought similarly about me, maybe we could have a romantic moment here, but I highly doubt that you feel the same way."

I looked away, I was blushing really badly.
I felt Wilbur's hand cup my cheek and bring my face closer to his. He looked at my eyes, then down to my lips, then back at my eyes. I nodded and brought my lips to his.

The kiss was passionate, our lips moving together. My stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies. After a minute we pulled away and I looked at him. He was so red in the face, it was adorable.
I pulled him into a hug that lasted ages, swaying back and forth. He rested his head on mine and he started to mutter song lyrics.

"You don't know how long I've wanted that y/n. Four years ago I thought to myself 'wow, they are pretty' and I instantly fell in loved with you."

I looked at him and his beautiful smile and I gave his nose a quick little peck.

"Your cute"
"Yeah, I know that"
"Good. Self confidence is attractive"
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend."
"Yes, on only one condition."
"Anything for you."
"I get to call you 'my little chocolate chip"
"Good decision, chocolate chip."


-986 words

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