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El stood by Jonathan's car, the first one there today. That's how it usually was. As nice as El was, she hadn't really made any friends. Neither had Will. At least not friends he cared about. They were mostly just people who would talk to him, including Michelle.

Michelle was who Will always said he was going out with, but that wasn't true. He did try a date with a girl. A couple times actually and even tried to get with one of the many girls who did like him but he couldn't do it. He knew something was wrong with him. Out of all of his friends, both in Hawkins and California, he got asked out the most. But he didn't want it. It was from everyone but the person he wanted and Will couldn't stand it. Michelle was an acquaintance that he talked to sometimes and went on one date with. But he lied about going out to his family when really, he was at an arcade or just going for a walk.

Jonathan arrived at the car next, unlocking it so El and him could get in. "How was school, Jane?" He asked. He always did. "It was good." She lied a bit. Angela and her friends made some rude comments to her. Usually Will was around and helped her calm down after these instances but it was after the second period and he didn't have that class with her.

"School is almost over. Thursday is my last day and then you guys get out next Wednesday." Jonathan reminded. El nodded. "Yes, I am very excited." She said. "Do you know what's taking Will so long?" Jonathan asked, looking out the window to the school entrance to see if Will was in eyeshot.

El shook her head. "He is probably talking to Michelle." She said. Jonathan nodded, knowing about her because of El. She seemed to like the idea of Will having a girlfriend than Will, who got uncomfortable even talking about the subject. Jonathan noticed this almost immediately when conversations began so he wouldn't let El pester him about it when he came.

Will eventually walked out of the school, alone, much to El's surprise. Her mind, she made up that Will had many friends and was very popular, however, this was not the case. He had acquaintances. He was shy and reserved so making friends was hard for Will. The people El thought were his friends were just people he had been forced to pair up with for group assignments. His real friends were in Hawkins. His best friends were there.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to talk to my teacher about an assignment." Will explained, putting his bag on the floorboard of the passenger side seat where he sat. "You're good." Jonathan said, starting the car. Well-attempting to. It took him three tries for it to actually start.

The radio was on and music was playing at a low volume. Windows were down- not be cool or stylish but because the car's AC didn't work anymore and was very hot outside. Will leaned back, eyes closing. Today, it drained him. Most days did. It felt almost like heaven when he walked through the front door of their house and trotted the way to his bedroom. He went there without a word, laying his backpack down and shutting the door. This was how most days went. He only really left the room to eat, use the restroom, or shower. And the occasional walk or fake date.

He laid on his bed, facedown and closed his eyes. He took a couple deep breaths before eventually falling asleep before he needed to help with dinner.

Will stood in silence, helping make dinner with Jonathan. They weren't mad at eachother or anything, it was just their relationship hadn't been the same recently. Will was more reserved and held back more than he used to be and Jonathan was busy. It was his senior year, he missed his girlfriend, things were weird. Will understood Jonathan had better things to do than to hang out with him so he wasn't mad or annoyed.

"Can you take the potatoes out?" Jonathan asked and Will nodded, taking the potatoes off of the heat of the stove and draining them. He prepped them to be mashed as El walked in from her room, coming to help. A simple conversation began between the three about how Joyce wanted them all home for dinner that night. It was odd and the younger children were curious. Of course, Jonathan already knew the reason and just told them not to worry.

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