"Oh. I-I had no idea." Tyler said to her before he realised how late it was, he really needed to get home and he said as much, she smiled at him as she said, "By the way about what I said before, I want you to know that you're not like my ex, he was way worse than you could imagine and If you ever want to talk even just to cool down you can come to me." Anastasia began, before giving him her dad's address, she was going to go back there today anyway.

Tyler looked at her for a second with a shocked and grateful expression on his face before he said, "Thank you, really, I appreciate it. Are you sure you're going to be okay though?" He said nodding to the wound on her arm that she had wrapped up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I've had worse." Anastasia assured him and he gave her one last concerned look before he left as she walked to the back entrance to wait for Stefan, she didn't want to go back to the game with Tanner continuously leering at her, it made her feel sick and she'd rather wait here for the entire duration of the game. She would have left but she had no idea how to get to the Salvatore Boarding House so she needed to wait for Stefan. Her stuff was still there and it was also where Ryan was going to drop off Liana. 

He had told her not to cut off her full time job like she was about to do, and that the half day Liana has off, she could spend with him and Daniel, and for once she trusted someone enough with her daughter so she agreed, reluctantly, but it was the only option. What had happened before with her dad, had given her proof that she couldn't trust him at all so she needed to make her own money as she's always done so as not to rely on him. As she made it to the back entrance, she did not notice the silhouette of a person following right behind her.

"Oh my God, your hand." Elena said concerned. Stefan hides the back of his hand and puts it behind his back.

"No, no, no, it's fine." Stefan said trying to reassure her so that she would not suspect anything.

"Is it deep? How bad is it? Come on!" Elena said before grabbing his hand and turning it over to see the back but the scar was completely gone.

"But...I saw it, it was..." Elena said shocked, she could have sworn she had literally seen the glass cut through his hand.

"He missed. See? I'm fine. It's not my blood, it's probably Ana's, speaking of where is she?" Stefan asked looking around concerned.

"No, no, no. I...I saw it. The glass cut your hand. It was..." Elena stuttered slightly, she replayed the memory and she remembered literally seeing the bottle cut his hand but there was no wound so what could have happened?

"It's ok. I'm ok." Stefan began before he saw Tyler walking towards him.

"Hey look I'm sorry about what happened back there but I want to tell you that Miss Williams, who I'm assuming is a friend of yours, is by the back entrance. She had a piece of glass stuck in her arm but she pulled it out and wrapped it up, said she could deal with it cause she's a doctor herself. I just wanted to tell you that." Tyler said before he walked off.

"Shit, I have to go," Stefan said quickly about to walk off not caring about the game but Elena held him back.

"It's almost kick-off time, all right? So I'll go and see if she's fine and then I'll see you after the game." Elena said to him, she knew how much Stefan liked the game and there was no point ruining that when Anastasia could take care of herself. She was a doctor after all, she didn't need coddling.

"But..." Stefan was about to protest.

"Nope, no excuses, come on, this is your moment, go, for me?" Elena asked.

"Fine but you come and get me if anything's wrong. Okay?" Stefan said and she nodded before he walked back to the game. Elena couldn't be bothered to go and look for Anastasia, it wasn't even that much of a horrible cut, it was just a scratch and besides, she would be fine since she was a doctor herself, there was no point in everyone worrying so much about her.

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