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Tw: more blood, violence, character death, and tiny angst

Dream started clapping, "I applaud your effort. I really do, but there is one thing you didn't think about."

  "And what's that?"

  Phil looked behind Tommy, "Tommy! Behind you-"

  Tommy felt a sharp pain suddenly.

  He looked down to see a sword poking out of his stomach.

  "No!" Wilbur tried to get out of the rope that was around his wrists.

  Dream took some of the healing potion from Tommy's bag, applying it to his injuries.

  "Thank you, George. Now, do something with his body. I have no use for him."

  George nodded silently and pulled the sword out of Tommy's back.

  Tommy fell to his knees, tears falling down his face.

  No no no. This can't be it. Why is that fucking potion not working?

  Tommy was lifted up by the guard before he was stopped.


  "Yes, Dream?"

  "Where's Sapnap?"

  As if on cue, the other guard rushed in, "I'm here. I'm here."

  "Where were you?"

  Sapnap tried to explain himself, stuttering over his words trying to come up with an excuse.

  Tommy looked up surprised, he didn't feel pain anymore.

  Am I dead???

  He looked down to see a cloth damp with some potion on his wound.

Sadly, no.

  Why was George helping him when he just stabbed him?

  "What the fu-"

  Tommy was quickly hushed by George, "shush, pretend like you are still injured. Sapnap is buying time for us." He whispered.

  Tommy just nodded and let George carry him out of the room. Once far from the room they were in, Tommy was let go.

  "Why did you help me?"

  George sighed, "your friends and Sapnap convinced me to help."


  "Yup. I'm surprised you're still alive," a familiar voice said behind him.

  Tommy turned around to see Quackity and Karl.

  "You left me."  Tommy glared at Quackity.

  "I know. I'm sorry, but as soon as I left I went to everyone else to help. I felt guilty."

  George sighed again, "I helped because of Sapnap. I would never betray Dream for some random animals. Remember that it wasn't for any of you, it was for Sapnap."

  Tommy smiled and hugged George, "thank you anyways, man."

George held his arms in the air, before bringing them down and hugging the raccoon, "it's whatever."

  "Wait- they are all still in there- we need to save them-" Tommy panicked, looking up at the others.

  "Don't worry we have a plan." Karl said with a smile.


  Sapnap was still trying to explain himself.

  "Silence!" Dream looked past Sapnap to see George, "what do you need, George?"

  "There were intruders by the entrance. I think they were trying to sneak in. Can you come here to see what we should do with them?"

  "Of course. Sapnap. You are not off the hook just yet." Dream walked past the guard, leaving the room.

  Sapnap let out a sigh of relief, "alright, Tommy, come get your friends."

  Tommy ran out in little raccoon form, "got it!"

  "Tommy!" Wilbur exclaimed, joyfully, "you're alive! And you learned how to poof into a raccoon."

  Tommy poofed back into half human, "sure am, and sure did. Now Sapnap, can you help me untie everyone?"

  Sapnap nodded and went over to Ranboo first.

  Tommy quickly went over to Wilbur, "are you okay? Im so sorry I left you- you just told me to run and I panicked an-"

  "Tommy. It's fine. I'm fine, and I'm glad you are alright. I was thinking you were dead for a second there."

  Tommy let out a small laugh, "I did too. Now. Let's get you out of here."

  Tommy freed Wilbur from the rope and the other jumped up instantly, "fucking finally."

  They continued to untie the rest until everyone was out of the rope.

  "I don't know why you called me out here. It was just a simple duck and bunny. Next time call me when it's important." Dream's voice was heard from the hall.

  "Of course, I'm sorry Dream."

  Dream scoffed, the big doors opened to reveal everyone freed and Tommy alive.

  "What the fuck is this?! George! You were supposed to kill that little rat!" Dream shouted to his guard.

Dream felt a sword stab through his back to his chest. He feel to ground, placing his hand on his chest in pain.

  George felt tears stream down his face, "I'm sorry, Dream."

  Tommy looked at the others, "come on let's go!"

  Everyone agreed and left the mansion, all except Dream, George, and Sapnap.

  George sat next to Dream's lifeless body, tears falling down his face.

  Sapnap sat next to George and embraced the other in a hug, rubbing his back, "I'm sorry, George. It was for the best though."

The Kidnaps near the Railway (dark sbi story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant