Chapter 1 - extra credit?

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Today was the first day back from Christmas break. First days were always difficult, even if you'd only been gone from school for a few weeks. The night before, you'd either stay up worrying about tomorrow and how your going to get to sleep, or ,because your sleep schedule is ruined, you go to sleep at the normal time you went to during the holidays - which in most cases varies between 1am and 4am. Either way you wake exhausted and feel like you need about 8 more hours of sleep.
That's what it felt like for Evelyn Andrews. She went to bed at 3:54 am and had to wake up at glorious 6:30 am.

Drowsily, Evelyn crawled out of bed; that was cluttered with pillows, blankets and teddies. She stumbled to her dressing table in a tired rage. As she's showering her hair with half a can of dry shampoo , a question echoes through her mind"How could I let myself stay up that late, especially on a school night?" . You must be thinking, why would a teenage girl care about that, I mean loads of people stay up that late. Well, the reason is that her mother is a judgemental bitch, that just want to see her daughter show 'her true potential', but if I were too dumb it down for anyone, it means 'my standards are way too high and I don't care about you until you succeed, even though you won't because as I've already said the standards are way to high and you are never going to surpass them".

Evelyn got dressed, did her hair and waited for her brother, Jonathon. Unlike her brother, Eve failed her drivers test, and desperately needs her brother to drive her to school, as she doesn't feel like getting kidnapped.
The drive to school was pretty silent. The conversation consisted of:
"You excited for school?"
"Little bit, you?"
And, discussions of what lessons they had that day.
Normally they'd have more to talk about,
but Eve was exhausted and Jonathon was too busy singing along to 'the real slim shady' and 'superman' by Eminem, over and over again until they arrived at school.

First period was history with her favourite teacher, they started learning about the womens right movement 60s & 70s; which gave her a feminist mood until second period ; when she had biology. On the bright side biology was taught by one of Eves favourite teachers, Mrs Miu Sato. She helps Eve gain things to put on her college application, like helping her study or prepare for tests. But this time was different, not in uncomfortable or scary way but in a, 'I really don't understand how this will help me get into college kinda way'.

At the end of the lesson, Miu stayed with Eve to discuss what else could got on a college essay. Extra credit, how could she not have thought of this sooner. The biology teacher suggested a interesting way, that's definitely not related to the fact that Miu is co-director of this years school performance. Eve had two choices either help out backstage in the school play or act. The choice was easy, as she was a painfully terrible actor. Mrs Sato explained that she would need to paint sets, help with either sound or lights and sometimes help rehearse lines with anyone that needs it.

The first session of the drama club was tomorrow..

This isn't very long or anything good but, it's my first time being motivated to something for more than 10 minutes. I hope you have enjoyed chapter one! <3

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