Mystery is revealed

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Draco’s POV

Draco was sitting in the family room at Malfoy Manor, drinking a glass of fire whiskey, when he saw his mother,Narcissa Malfoy,entering as gracefully as always and smiling warmly at him before sitting down.”Hello,Draco”,she said in a motherly sort of voice.

Narcissa had changed a lot since the end of the Second Wizarding War.Lucius Malfoy had been killed by a group of Aurors during the battle,so she was free to live her life the way she wanted,without being scared of her family getting hurt by Lord Voldemort.

“Hello,Mother.How are you on this fine afternoon?”,replied Draco.Narcissa immediately realised that her son was in a very good mood and she started to feel even guiltier for having to be the one to ruin it by the news she was going to give him.”I’m fine Draco,dear.But what about you?You seem to be in a really jolly mood.Something happened?”

Draco smiled at that.His mother knew him like no other and he was happy for this.Before the war ended, Draco couldn’t really have the mother and son relationship the other kids had.His father was as cold as ice and didn’t accept any loving relationships in his family.He wanted disicpline, and so, he often hit Draco even for the most useless things.So once the war ended, Draco and Narcissa tried to make up for the years they lost and their relationship was now stronger than ever.

”Yes,Mother.Something great has happened.Remember Astoria Greengrass?She’s Daphne Greengrass’ younger sister and she was in Slytherin.”At his mother’s nod, Draco continued.”Well, I’ve been trying to win her over for the last 3 months.I mean, she’s perfect!She’s pureblood and she comes from a very nobile, magical family.She’s very good-looking and she’s only about two years younger than me!And today she finally accepted to be my girlfriend!Isn’t this great news, mother?”

During Draco’s whole speech, Narcissa had been unusually quiet and Draco didn’t fail to notice.”Everything alright, Mother?”, he asked her.”Draco, there’s something important I need to tell you”, began Narcissa.Draco nodded at this,  to show her he was listening, so she continued.”You know about some of our connections with the Ministry?”, she asked.”Yes, of course I do, mother”, he replied.”Well, word just came to me a couple of minutes ago, from one of these connections, about a new law the Ministry just passed.Nearly no one knows about it yet, except some Ministry workers, because they’re going to make it official tomorrow.I decided to tell you before so you will be prepared”, she explained very seriously.

“Mother,what is it?Your scaring me a little now.What law is this?”, asked Draco, worried by his mother’s tone of voice.”Draco, the Ministry has found it wise to pass a Marriage Law”, said Narcissa.”Well,that isn’t that bad…I mean, me and Astoria will just have to get married earlier.I don’t see any problems with that.”Draco couldn’t see why this news was worrying his mother so much.”Draco, you don’t understand the gravity of the situation.Let me explain better”, Narcissa said.At this Draco nodded.”Have you ever heard of The Soulmate Love Spell?”, she asked.Draco paled visibly at this but nodded nonethless.”The Ministry are going to use this spell to find everyone’s soulmate.You’ll have a year’s time to marry each other.After the year is over,  and all witches and wizards between the age of 16 and 30 are married, every married couple will be expected to conceive a child in another years time”, finished Narcissa.

While Narcissa was speaking, Draco had stood up and started pacing up and down.”THEY CAN’T DO THAT!”, he finally shouted.”I’m afraid they can, dear”, replied Narcissa.You see, Draco, the Ministry noticed that the Wizarding Community has drastically diminished after the War.So, the Ministry thinks that it’s about time that people started getting married and having children,to restore it.”

“That’s insane….”,Draco started muttering to himself.He suddenly straightened up and turned to his mother with a very serious expression on his face.”Mother, who exactly is my soul mate?”, he asked.”Sadly, I don’t know that Draco…no one knows, except the people performing the spell.Tomorrow they’re publishing an article about it in the Morning Daily Prophet to warn all the others who don’t know about it.Then, in the evening, you’re going to be receiving a letter, explaining why they’re doing this and some other details, plus, the name of the girl you’re going to be marrying”, explained Narcissa.

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