"I CAN'T BELIEVE NO ONE CHECKED IT!" Mrs Weasley screamed.

"Oh Harry, why didn't you tell us?" Hermione whispered softly, shocked at what her best friend had kept from them.

"Sorry, it just didn't seem important. I didn't mean to bother you guys." Harry shrugged.

"Oh Harry! Hermione and Ron hugged him. "You're our best friend, you should have told us, especially something like that!"

"I know," Harry said in shock, hugging them back. - Sorry. Now I have my own room, so please don't dwell on it.

"Fine, but from now on, you don't need to hide anything like that from us. Hermione pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes.

— I won't. Harry smiled.

The rest of the Weasleys were furious. Arthur turned purple and his hands clenched into fists.

— Oh, Harry! Molly called out, hugging him after finishing a tirade for Dumbledore.

"It's all right, Mrs. Weasley, I'm all right now." Harry tried to calm her down.


Why didn't you say Bel? Draco asked.

I just didn't have anyone to tell. Perhaps our neighbor Figg, but what could she do? Bella answered.

You could have told someone at Hogwarts! Theo exclaimed.

Merlin, when will you stop hiding everything about yourself? Pansy asked and the boys nodded.

I guess I'll take my secrets to my grave. Bella said.

IDIOT! All four exclaimed and hugged her.

Narcissa watched this with tenderness, while Lucius was disgusted.

Besides, I thought everyone at Hogwarts already knew.

What do you mean, Miss Potter? Snape asked. Not that he cared about the fate of James Potter's brats, but she was one of his students, she was in his house.

My letter indicated a closet under the stairs. She answered.

These letters are written by a self-writing pen. Minerva replied with a rather sick look.

OK, WE CONTINUE! Tonks roared.

Bella came out first, Dudley shoved her roughly back into the closet.

AUNT PETUNIA: Oh! Here he comes, birthday boy!

UNCLE VERNON: Happy birthday, son.

Bella entered the kitchen behind Dudley.

AUNT PETUNIA: Why don't you just make breakfast and try not to burn anything.

BELLA: (dryly) Yes, Aunt Petunia.

Were you forced to cook? Pansy asked in a menacingly calm voice.

Bella tried to nod as best she could while her head was pressed against the table.

- Since when? she asked calmly.

— Since seven or eight years? came a muffled reply from under his tousled, tangled hair.

Draco and Theo frowned as Pansy's cheeks turned red with anger.

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