First Kill

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Eddie woke up once again but much stronger than before. He stood up and dusted himself off. “I got to get out of here” He rushed over to his trailer “oh yea I cut the rope” Eddie scans the room to find a chair “this will have to do” he drags the chair over and places it under the hole in the roof. He stands on the chair and jumps grabbing the edge of the hole. He pulls himself and eventually falls back to the Hawkins he knows and loves but then he notices a tear in the world. His once home was split into two. “Well, that’s not good.” He looks out the window out into the pitch darkness. He saw lights not far away, red and blue. “Damn cops” he went into his bedroom and found a bandanna “have to do” he puts it over the lower half of his face to cover his identity then when no one is looking runs out of his place and into the woods.

Eddie kept walking for what felt like hours through the woods when he sees a girl who seem to look lost. Eddie sighs and walks slowly to her. She shrieks and turns to look at Eddie. “I’m sorry didn’t mean to scare you it just looked like you needed help.”

“I am fine just trying to find a way around all these cracks in the world impossible to jump over been walking the last couple hours” She scanned his face noticing the bandana. “Why are you wearing that?”

“Oh, um don’t freak ok” he takes it off then looks up at her. She screams so loud Eddie covers his ears. “I know I know I’m wanted but I swear I’m not the devil or cultist I never killed anyone.” She starts running. “Shit no wait” Eddie starts running after her back into the woods. He grabs her. “Please I am good don’t tell anyone I’m here ok please”

“y…y…your face” she falls to the ground crying “I don’t want to die I don’t want to die”

“What do you mea...” suddenly as his bending down to her level he could smell something, it was strong, it smelled sweet and addicting like a pie coming out the oven, but this was different. He looked her over and notice she scratched her knee as she fell over. Eddie became tranced just looking at the blood. He slowly reached out to touch it. The girl sat there paralysed in fear. He looked at the blood on his finger then licked it. He closed his eyes. It was like he was in heaven, he needed more. He opened his eyes and stared into the girl’s eyes. “I am so sorry” he pounced on top of her, fangs extending and bit into her neck drinking all the blood he could. She screamed and screamed till she passed out. Eddie has tried many drugs, but nothing was as good as this. He finished and just laid next to the lifeless body licking his lips. The craving, he needed more. He looked over at her and saw her pale ice-cold body then reality kicked in. “no, no, no” he sat up and checked for a pulse, she was dead. “What’s happening to me!” he got up freaking out then ran away.

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