That April On The 10th

Start from the beginning

Kotori: C'mon please??? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? it's yummy...

Shido: ...Fine. 

Aiden: You're weak when it comes to family. 

Shido: Yeah yeah whatever. 

Aiden: I mean. How hard is it to say-- no...

Kotori then looks up at me with that look. 

Aiden: ...Give this kid what she wants. 

Shido: Hypocrite! 

Aiden: I KNOW.

The next thing we know, we're on our way to school. After Shido and Kotori meet in front of the Diner they were talking about. THEN we get to school. When we get to our classroom, I got placed with Shido. And, Tonomachi... 

Tonomachi: Nice coincidence huh? Lucky you to be placed in the same class with me again. Some people call this fate, I would be one of those people. 

Shido: ...Of course you would.

Aiden: God... This is just as bad as bad guys monologuing...

Then, his phone rings in his pocket, and says something I don't believe for a second. 

Tonomachi: 'Scuse me, it's my girl. 

Shido: Huh? "Girl" as in Girlfriend?

Tonomachi: Oh yeah, you wanna meet her? 

Both me and Shido lean our heads in to look at his phone. But, what we saw was sad to say the least. 

Shido/Aiden: That's a dating sim./That's a damn dating sim...

Tonomachi: So what? Doesn't change the fact that she's my girl. 

Aiden: I don't know what's more depressing. Your lack of a girlfriend, or the fact that you love your phone as a girlfriend...

I lay my head back down to get a break. Then, I hear some girl call Shido's name, so I look over my shoulder, to see that the girl who said his name is, Origami Tobiichi. According to other people, she's a super genius, athletic, and good looking. That last one comes from boys. But eh, I like a girl with a little more personality. The school bell rings and I sit up. Then the teacher comes in, which is none other than Miss Okamine. 

School went on and ended as it always does. Boring. But then, the Spatial Quake alarm goes off. And the intercom lady announces that a Spatial Quake is gonna happen, and suggesting for people to find shelter. Origami just leaves on ahead, the rest of us get lead to a shelter by a yelling Miss Okamine. As the line goes I look at Shido checking his phone. Probably worried about his sister. But then, his eyes widen and immediately runs.

Aiden: Oh no...

Tonomachi: Wait! Shido! 

Aiden: I'll go get him! 

I run after him and try to catch up, since he has a little head start on me. 

Aiden: Shido! 

As he runs he looks over his shoulder at me, but at the same time, a spatial quake happens. Blowing us back. 

Aiden: AH!

The dust settles and we're both on the ground. 

Aiden: Okay... Maybe it wasn't the best idea to run head first at a Spatial quake...

Shido: I get that now...

Aiden: That's great... I think I have a headache...

We both get up and look at the massive crater in front of us. We get a good look in it, and in it, is a girl and some other thing. 

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