Meradith VS. Lydia

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Warning: viewer discretion is advised, sensitive topics   may trigger some folks so i reckon not continuing if you get offended/triggered easily.
Origin writer: Nemzi
Editor: Cam

Damascus Ridge, a poor colony tucked to the edge of the realm meeting the sea, is notorious for its vast valleys and towering mountains dressed with white flowers. Separated from the rest of its colony, a lonesome cabin rested near the river that feeds into the realm. Eve and Francis, a meek couple, resided within the cabin. One night whilst they lay asleep, the two were granted a vision. The vision told them of a life filled with prosperity and wealth beyond their meager imaginations, only to be attained by the birth of a child. 
“Pray for what’s to come, everyday with sincerity, and it shall be given.” a voice urged them as they dreamt. 
Due to the fact they both had similar dreams alongside their desperate circumstances, tailoring goods that constantly got stolen, mining that paid so little for such spirit breaking labor, they believed it and bought into the vision. Earnestly they prayed, and finally a year after their vision, Eve unexpectedly bore twin daughters. The couple, unsure which child to use for their future, prayed to ask the voice which one would bring them prosperity yet no avail of a response from the entity. They were left in dismay figuring that only one of the children would have the prosperity that the voice promised. After a few weeks, they knew they wouldn't be able to afford both of them, hesitantly, they figured to off one of them. The father tried, but didn’t have the strength to do it. Instead, with a heavy heart he abandons her deep in the woods. He finds his way home and finally names their own child Meradith, who grows to earn a name for herself and her family whilst convincing his wife that he has slain his daughter.

Meradith grew to be a formidable young lady, especially within the fact that she was technically speaking to be growing and evolving in a 'man's world.' Hesitantly, the church took her in and began raising her no different from her male peers. Interestingly, as she grew, so did her strength and her steady achievements which granted high respect. She was never particularly strong but was adept at fighting, so good in fact she was able to take on multiple targets of which the Argent Knights took great interest in. At ages 16, she took Argent Knight training. Argent Knight training for a woman proved to be hell, despite her sacrifices to become stronger, she still couldn't excel physically. However, that did not dethrone her level of respect; as she was able to go toe to toe with an Argent Knight, which impressed the higher ups and including the King. She received a blessing, given Holy Magic by the church and was given the title of an Argent Knight. At ages 18, she went overseas to invade and colonize a nearby realm. Partaking two major battles that allowed herself to earn a settlement back at home and was also granted wealth from both looting and passive income. She had a name for herself early, at ages 20, the invasion on the realm has halted and leading commanders were told to call off the invasion, giving people the option to stay or go back home. Meradith decided to sail back home and tend to her settlement, bringing her riches with her to spoil herself with her family during the stagnation of the government. 

Abandoned several miles away from home, hungry, filthy, and fatigued, the baby cried several long hours before being discovered. A half man half demon named Alloy found the newborn hanging from a tree within a basket. Deeply pleased and knowing quite well what to do with the fetch, he’d raise her to become a slave for 8 years, then planned to sell her off. Another 8 years has passed, although during this age she suffered from severe trauma of abuse and other horrendous acts. During the ages of 16, she bore one child, who was quickly taken to recycle the process of slave trading. Overtime, she began to dream of  visions that became clearer and clearer during her time. Another life; taking arms alongside soldiers she raised, building structures as far as the eyes could see, peace, tranquility, and prosperity all within her name. A voice, within the dead of the night, tells her, “Take back your fate, little one. Your fate, your life’s destiny, was stolen from you.” She was granted visions of her father selfishly abandoning her, her sister accumulating wealth,  the wealth accumulated by her sister, and various other achievements. A desire to take back what was rightfully hers rose within her, and so at the age of 17 she killed her masters with cold blood. Taking this opportunity to escape, she sank deep into the forest, fleeing into the opposing faction named the Azure Alliance. She took arms as a mercenary aiming to learn the way of the sword. Eventually, she was granted another vision- a vision that would grant her peace supposedly; revenge on her parents, her sister, and the Argent Order all together. All she had to do was to make a deal with a devil to earn immeasurable power and knowledge. At ages 20 with little to none war experiences, she makes the deal and begins to focus on the war.

They have yet to meet and the strange voices have silenced, probably beckoning to have one kill one another. Afterwards, they will speak. 

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