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"I brought some food." I hear his dumb voice again. I look up at him and see him standing there with a plate of eggs and some water.

"What did you put in there?" I ask him and raise my eyebrow. "Nothing? You're already down here. Why should I poise you?" He looks at me confused.

"Well idk maybe to rape me again?" I say clearly pissed as I stand up to get the plate. "No. Like I said I won't do anything what will hurt you." He says as he hands it to me. He smiles at me. I just roll my eyes.

Why does he try to be nice? He ducking kidnapped me.

"Anything else or do you wanna stare at me again?" I say as I start eating. He's still standing there and it pisses me off.

"No.. and don't be so rude to me you fucking bitch." He says clearly mad. Oh now he's mad? Bro you just kidnapped me. Of course I'm rude to you.

I sigh and roll my eyes again. I hear him leaving but he didn't close the door this time. Gosh how dumb can a human be?

I smile and stand up to open the door and go upstairs. I ignore the voices who say that I should not go up there because it's a trap.

I walk, until I see him sitting on a chair with joe shirt and a belt in his hand. Fuck. He stands up and walks towards me. I back of and run down again. Of course he follows me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I scream as I keep running down. He doesn't care about my sorry. He follows me until we're down in the basement and then he starts beating the shit out of me with this fucking belt.

I hear Bruce screaming my name but I can't do anything about it. "Stop please!" I cry out but he just laughs and keeps hitting me.

"Please..." is the last thing I say and then everything turns black again.

How long am I here already? Two days? And he had already beating the shit out of me twice I think.


I cough as I wake up. Gosh every thing hurts. I groan and sit up. "I told you not to go. But you ignored it. It's kinda your own fault fi." I hear a new voice saying.

"Shut up billy." I say. It takes a while until I realise what I just said. Billy? Is billy really talking to me?

"Billy?" My eyes go wide and I look around in the room but then I remeber that I can't see them either way.

"Yeah. And next time you'll maybe listen to me." He says and I hear in his voice that he is annoyed about the fact that I didn't listen the first time.

"Next time I'll listen to you. I promise." I say as I sadly smile. Gosh I miss him so much. I miss everyone at the moment. I mean I'm sitting alone in some sort of basement. And I have no one around me that I love.

Well I mean I can't see someone who I love. Damn I miss Robin.

"Stop crying about your shitty boyfriend!" A voice says loudly.

I try to guess to who the voice belongs until it hits me. Vance hopper.

"Shut the fuck up Vance. Just because no one loves you, doesn't it mean that I could love no one." I say as I roll my eyes.

"Well I'm as actually planning on helping you to get out but, fuck that. And fuck you. Little bitch." He says and then I can't hear him anymore. Wow. Great job Fiona.

But when his Tipp was just as helpful as the tips from the other it wouldn't help either way. So i don't really care.


Sorry for this short chapter again. I try to do better.

How do you like the story till now? Let me know :D

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