Is this still the old Sojung who couldn’t even walk in more than five-centimeter heels?

Sojung did not answer her and frowned. She let her go and took out a phone instead.

“It’s more serious than I thought. It’ll take too long if we wait here, we’ll go to a private hospital for examination instead. Wait a minute, I’ll contact the doctor.”

Then Sojung took her to a private hospital during which she brought a set of suitable clothes for her to change into in the back of the car while Sojung drove.

They went to the private hospital and quickly got a series of tests done. The doctor then told her that there was nothing wrong with her and she was perfectly healthy.

Jiyeon's identity is special, and now we’re at a critical juncture. Sojung thought to herself.

Although Jiyeon doesn’t remember anything, Sojung certainly does. That’s why she took her to a hospital that she had never set foot in, and changed her name, even the illness she was previously diagnosed with was deleted, but when they finally got the results back, both of them were surprised.

Sojung didn’t lose his temper at her friend. Although she is busy today and her boss almost flipped the desk when she left, she couldn’t leave her friend alone.

Because when she looked at Kim Jiyeon, she knew that the other party was not lying.

Back in the car, Jiyeon looked at her nervously, “I wasn’t lying. I was still sleeping at home, and then I woke up in this situation. Chu Sojung, I’m not lying to you.”

Sojung took a deep breath and rubbed her eyebrows. It was just one horrible thing after another. They had just dealt with the last situation and now this happened.

Alright, don’t panic, Kim Jiyeon needs you right now. 

After taking a deep breath, she felt that she was much calmer, and she asked, “What do you remember?”

Seeing that the other party believed her,  Jiyeon sat back in her position, frowning as she recalled, “I remember us going to school and then after school going home to eat. Then I packed my things and was going to meet you. We agreed to go to the Hyatt Hotel, but because I was too sleepy, I took a little nap. Then when I woke up, I was here.”

Hyatt Hotel….

Sojung has been to Hyatt Hotel only once when she was still a child and that day did not leave a good impression on her, “Was it on May 4th, on Youth day?”

“Yes, on Youth day. I was going to see Kim Hyunjung and you promised to accompany me! Oh, that’s right!”  Jiyeon suddenly became excited. She grabbed Sojung's arm and opened her eyes wide. “Do you know who I saw when I woke up? Kim Hyunjung! Although her appearance has changed a lot, I still recognized her at a glance! She’s my idol! I’m so lucky to have been able to get such a close look at her!”

However, Sojung's focus seemed to be on something else. Just like Jiyeon, her eyes widened, but unlike Jiyeon, she did not look happy. “When you woke up, you saw Kim Hyunjung. Does that mean you slept with her yesterday?”

Jiyeon looked at her blankly, “No, what? Of course not. She was in another room.”

Sojung's expression relaxed. She did not want to watch her best friend dive into those muddy waters again. Jiyeon had finally made up her mind to divorce after all.

Sojung's fingers tapped on the steering wheel and then said lightly, “From the looks of it, you have amnesia.”

Jiyeon whispered: “But I don’t think I am an amnesiac…”

“Then you’re saying it’s transmigration? Please, time-traveling transmigration is so out of fashion.” Sojung retorted ruthlessly.

Sojung could only take half the day off and so she couldn’t stay outside for long. She clapped her hands together, “Alright, let’s not talk about that for now. So, you said you’ve lost your memory today, right? Then tell me all of the details of what you have done or said today, especially anything that has to do with Kim Hyunjung! Nothing can be overlooked!”

Even if Jiyeon is a careless and naive person, she had noticed Sojung's deep enmity towards Hyunjung. She felt it was strange, but Sojung didn’t give her time to ask.

She told her friend everything that had happened and then she narrowed her eyes, “In other words, she hasn’t noticed yet.”

Jiyeon didn’t understand what was going on. And why couldn’t her amnesia be revealed? Isn’t it just amnesia? It’s not like she committed arson or murder.

Sojung took out her phone to check the time and saw that she had to return to the company now. She quickly fastened her seatbelt and started the car, “Now remember to do everything I just said. You have to remember!”

Seeing her frantic expression, Jiyeon suddenly felt nervous and quickly nodded.

“Now I will drop you off at the intersection ahead and you will take a taxi home. The first thing after you get home is to pack your things. Everything else is not important. Just grab your ID, notebook, phone, charger, and all the paper documents in your room. Got it?”

She got it, but why did she need to do this?

“When you’re done packing, go to my house. I will send you my address in a bit. However, the most important thing is that you must not let others know about your amnesia. Especially that Kim Hyunjung! You must not be discovered by her, otherwise, you will die. Do you understand?”

Jiyeon looked puzzled, “What? Why? What’s so bad about letting them know about my amnesia?”

Sojung slammed the brakes, and she palmed her forehead in frustration, “I forgot that you only have memories up until the second year of high school, so you wouldn’t know what happened these last ten years. Here, let me show you some photos.”

Nowadays, paper photos are rare. Sojung looked through her mobile phone album for a long time but didn’t find the photos she wanted. Finally, she could only go to Kim Hyunjung's mother’s friends circle to look through their posts. Then she pointed at a picture on the screen and showed Jiyeon,

“This is you.”

Looking at the elegant and indifferent woman that smiled thinly at the camera in the photo, Jiyeon expressed sincerely, “I am so beautiful.”

Sojung: “…”

She stayed silent for a while and then pointed at Hyunjung standing beside the Jiyeon in the photo. However, the actress wore an even more indifferent expression on her face than the Jiyeon in the picture.

“This is your wife.”

Jiyeon was shocked: “What?!”

Knowing that she would react like this, Sojung quickly moved her finger to the little girl who was standing between the two of them. The girl barely reached the women’s thighs, “And this is your daughter.”


“If she’s not yours, then is she mine?” Sojung said sarcastically. She looked at Jiyeon's expression carefully. It seemed that Jiyeon was only shocked by the reality of having a wife and a daughter, but didn’t seem to have any other questions.

Sojung felt that was a little strange, but they’ll worry about that later, “Now I will answer your question from earlier about what’s so bad about having your amnesia problem known by the others. Right now, you are going through a divorce with Hyunjung. Soon you will have to fight her for custody rights. If they know you have amnesia, do you think you’ll still get custody over Juyeon?”


Get well soon Seola and Exy ❤️

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