"Yes, you will accompany me, right, Honghong?"

She eyes the Prince before pulling her hand away from his hold then she bowed. "Your majesty, the prince is an important person of the southern state, maybe I can personally guard him in your stead. How about that?"

The emperor still didn't answer when Prince Su immediately pulled her away. "We will go back later, your majesty." Prince Su shouted before they got inside the carriage. When she peeked at the window, she saw the emperor's angry face before he left with Cao Zhi.

"Honghong, what gifts do you think our father will like?"

"Stop calling me that, you twerp."

Prince Su only rolled his eyes. "Then, Nianian?"

"Call me sister! I think I have been away so long that you forgot who is the eldest among us."

Prince Su smirked. "What? Didn't you leave our state to be a martial artist? So, I already forgot that you are my twin sister. Hmp."

"Crazy. But it's okay, I don't everyone to know too that my twin brother is a stupid. It might stain my reputation as the most intelligent and strong martial artist."


She smirked. "What? Hurt your ego?" He just rolled his eyes and remained silent. She sighed mockingly. "Aiya, I already told you, you can't win over me, little brother."

"Stop calling me little brother, we're born on the same day."

"But I came first before you, so that makes me your elder sister. Anyways, when you are back in the southern state, don't tell father my whereabouts. Just tell him that you saw me and had a conversation thus knowing about my son but you got knocked out by me that's why you didn't know where I went. Get it?"

"Even in your made up story, I am still the weak and you are the strong. Can't you make a story that I am the leading man?"

"Go make a story then and let me hear it. Let me know if you can make my father believe it."

Prince Su immediately thought of a story before he looked at her. "Hear it. When I was having a tour, I saw you on the street so I immediately followed you—"

"I can feel it when someone is following me. I might even knock you out even before you start following me."

Okay, fine! While I was having a tour, I saw you walking with your son on the street. You got scared so you told me about your son."

"No. Father knows I don't get scared easily. Also, I don't walk my son publicly. I haven't even brought him here in the capital since I gave birth to him."

"Sister, you are so cruel to my nephew! Poor boy. Why wouldn't you let him enjoy his childhood?"

"If I don't be cruel, he'll grow ignorant of this dangerous world."

He sighed. "Well you have a point."

"Go and continue your story."

"Okay, I will change the plot. How about, when I was on the way to the western state, someone tried to assassinate me but you arrived before I got killed. You help me tend my wounds and while I was unconscious, I will hear you telling stories to me about your son. How's that? It's good right? I think my visits to the storyteller tea shops have paid off."

She shook her head. "I thought you wanted to be the leading man. Why did you make me the hero then?"

"Well, being assassinated is more dignified than just being knocked down by my own sister, right?"

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