the aftermath.

22 1 0

You decide that that wasnt nice and that he didnt deserve that so you run back.Leaving your friend behind. You turn to see william hardly breathing. you rush over there in hope that he will survive. You run ouside.


Sevaral people rush over. When they saw the sight they rushed to the nearest phone they could find.

" Sonone is sevearly ingered at freddy fazbears pizza come quick" said the first one that got to a phone.

You crouch down to willia his eyes barely open.

" stay with me will the ambulence will be here in a moment."

William groaned.

Around 5 minutes later an ambulance and a police car arrived. They rushed out of their vehicles.

" Mr afton where is it hurting???"

He let out another groan.

"do you know where he is hurt???" they asked you.

You pointed to the directions of where you had seen your friend hurt him, you also told them that your friend had done it [defo not a friend anymore}.

They rushed in the ambulance and got a streacher.

" 321 liiiiift"

They then carried him into the back of the ambulance.

pov you are watching someone beat the hell out of william afton (blueycapsules)Where stories live. Discover now