"Well, what are we waiting for!? LET'S GO!" Iris yelled as she jumped out of their shelter.

Iris created a blast of wind that got rid of any debris created from the storm. "Bet you forgot about us!" She screamed as she rushed and punched her. Oliver followed that with a quick slash with his knife, and Mara grunted in pain. She was bleeding like crazy, but she was still standing.

"CAN'T YOU STAY IN YOUR FREAKING PLACE!?" Mara screamed and she wiped the blood off her face. And to her surprise, they didn't care.

Penny whistled to call Hex and ram against Mara. As the dark dragon rushed, Skye quickly threw orbs of light at her. Mara dropped to her knees and inhaled deeply, staring at the dark dragon that was approaching rapidly. Her eyes turned completely black, and she screamed from the top of her lungs, unleashing a call of pure darkness. Hex got hurt by it, and roared as he flew away to protect himself.

"WAIT! NO!" Penny screamed as she got furious. She ran at Mara preparing a punch of darkness. "PENNY! CATCH!" screamed Oliver as he threw the knife at Penny and she caught it. All the power got directed to the tip of the blade, and she swung with all the strength she had. But Mara had changed, and it wasn't for good.

She teleported behind Penny and kicked her down. She took the knife from her hands, and tried to stab it in her chest. Just as she was about to do it, Iris approached and tackled her down. She punched her in the face, but Mara made yet another dark call that pushed her away. Nathan threw his blade at her, but she quickly caught it and threw it back. Emily ran and caught it midair to try and hurt her, but Mara punched and kicked her to the ground. Luna was scared to fight, but she quickly ran to try and knock her down. Mara saw her coming, and she punched her as she heard her cry from the pain.

"YOU'RE ALL USELESS! YOU HEARD ME!? FUCKING USELESS!" Mara screamed as she laughed out of pure insanity. She raised her hands and created the biggest orb of darkness she could, and she jumped really high up and started floating.

"IT'S OVER! I WILL DESTROY THIS WORLD! WE WILL ALL BE FREE!" Mara screamed as tears started to come out of her eyes. She wanted to enjoy the moment before everything collapsed. And that pause was just what Eli needed to return.

"DON'T CHANT VICTORY SO SOON!" Eli said as he jumped and punched her right in the chest. Mara lost control of the orb, dropping it and causing barely any damage on the ground. He grabbed her by the neck and slammed her on the ground. He wielded his sword, and as he fell he prepared to end this once and for all. He pointed the tip of the blade towards Mara's chest. Fire covered the sword and made it glow, and his eyes shined with so much strength that it was hard for him to see. But he knew what he was doing. Eli finally felt like he was actually more than a god.

"I AM MORE THAN A GOD, MARA! FLOCKYA WILL PREVAIL!" He yelled as he was still falling.

He screamed one last time and closed his eyes, and he finally reached the ground. He breathed heavily and opened his eyes, and he saw something horrifying, yet relieving. The sword had entirely gone through Mara's chest, and her eyes had lost color. The storm slowly started to disappear, and the sky had a gray tone to it.

"Did I... Do it?" Eli whispered as his breathing steadied.

He slowly got up and pulled the sword out of Mara's chest. He didn't know how to feel about it. He was shocked, yet ecstatic. He stood still, and then the others started talking.

"Is she... Dead?" Skye asked.

"Flockya is saved..." Penny said.

"I... I did it. I- I did it... Heh, I did it! I DID IT!" Eli said as his happiness came rushing out of him.

He quickly ran to hug Penny and cry. He felt the biggest weight come out of his shoulders, and he felt at peace. Everyone approached to join the hug, and everyone was smiling. As they did, Eli heard a distinct voice among all the cheering.

"I knew that you would do it!" Diiran said as he approached.

"Where the hell were you? Your help would have been VERY much appreciated!" Eli said playfully.

"I'm too old for this stuff, kid! Plus, how else were you going to show you're more than a god?"

"Heh, you're right. I've never felt this way before... Perhaps I was ready and I was just afraid!"

Eli quickly ran to him and hugged him too. He felt safe and at peace when he did, like if he was actually hugging a parental figure.

"Well, what do we do now?" Oliver asked.

"Well, first we get rid of-"

Eli turned around and froze as he noticed Mara's body had disappeared. His skin turned pale, and his heart started beating really fast. He quickly pulled his sword out and screamed.


Everyone freaked out and ran to the small shelter they had been hiding in, leaving Eli and Diiran behind.

"What are you two doing!? Get over here!" Emily yelled.

"Something about this doesn't feel ri-"

Eli suddenly felt a sharp pain on his back that quickly went across his chest. His eyes widened, and looked down to see a blade coming out of his chest. Mara had stabbed him from behind.

"You should always double check..." Mara whispered to his ear.

She pulled the knife out and kicked him from behind, making him drop to the ground.

"ELI! NO!" Diiran screamed as he ran to check on him, but Mara didn't allow that. She created the strongest dark call she had ever done, hurting everyone and bringing the storm back. Thunder struck aggressively around them, and she created another dark orb and started floating again. This time, no one was going to stop her.

"I WIN! GOODBYE, FLOCKYA!!!" She said as she dropped down and made the orb collide with the ground. The ground cracked, and she grinned menacingly. Everything around them started to lose color. A giant cloud of pure darkness started to form around everyone. Eli got the strength to look up and see what was happening. He couldn't believe what was happening. He was afraid, desperate, sad, he felt empty. He looked at Diiran, who had an expression full of fear. Everything slowly got darker around them, and his eyes slowly started to close.

"Eli..." Diiran said as he passed out from the panic. Eli only saw him dropping to the ground. He couldn't take it anymore, but the rage he was feeling inside didn't let him give up just yet. He aggressively got up and ran towards Mara, the wound in his chest still bleeding. He didn't understand how he was still alive, but he only had one thing in his mind now. He was not going to let Mara get away with this.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER! YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!" Eli screamed as he started crying from desperation.

"THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT! I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! HAHAHAHAHA!" Mara said as she laughed and saw him approaching.

Eli got a hold of her and dropped her to the ground. He started punching her with all his force, but with every punch her smiled only seemed to grow. She had completely lost it, and she had drowned in her own insanity.

"DO YOU THINK I CARE!? I'VE DONE WHAT I WANTED! I CAN DIE PEACEFULLY NOW!" Mara said as her laughter got louder and louder.

Eli could feel his blood coming to a boil. There was so much he wanted to do and say, but his own anger couldn't let him do it. And in an act of pure rage, he screamed as loud as he could and he stabbed his sword in her chest again. He heard her scream in pain, but the laughter continued. He did it again, this time her voice losing strength. He stabbed her multiple times, going on a rampage that not even he could control. Blood was splashing on his face, and his eyes were turning red from the fury. His anger abruptly turned into sorrow as he started to slow down on the stabs. Until finally, he stopped hearing her voice. He looked at her closely and realized what he had done. He had killed her.

"You deserve to rot in the darkest pits of hell..." He said as he got up. He couldn't stop looking at the corpse that was now in front of him. But another sound caught his attention.

He turned around to see that he was all alone. Everyone had run away. The dark fog was closing in on him, and he didn't know what to do. He dropped to his knees as he realized that even though he had done the best he could to save this world, it was too late.

"I failed you..." Eli whispered as he saw the fog getting closer and closer. He just closed his eyes, passed out, and let the fog consume him.

More Than A God (IV)Where stories live. Discover now