first viewing: skulduggery pleasent

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Authors note:yeah I'm doing skulduggery pleasent. So here's how requests will work. I'll do a chapter I want, this chapter, and then I'll do a requested chapter. And then it will go back and forth like that. Sound good? Also, I'll definitely revisit this world at some point. Here we go!

Who's who:
Deku- skuldugery pleasent
Jirou- Valkyrie cain
All for one- scarab
Nezu- thirid guild
Let's do this

The screen lit up to show a skeleton standing in a building. It was... Stylish. Thought that only added to the shock.
"Arghhh!" That was mineta, because of course. Though for the first time ever, everyone agreed with him. Mostly, all for one didn't seem to care. His only comment was "nice suit."

The skeleton was joined by a girl, who looked like jirou. And they seemed to be in a football stadium. And nezu was moving through the stands. Towards all for one.
"My counterpart should have thought this through. All for one would never just sit in the stands unprotected."
Nezu was actually wrong for once.
All for one was alone.

That was strange everyone agreed. Even all for one " this version of me must be confident."
Guild and scarab conversed in the stands for a minute or two, before guild pulled out a small hourglass. Its sand changed colour.
Then he began to walk toward the pitch, and the skeleton, began telling. "Someone get jirou to damn kenspeckle, I need to stop this!"
"Wait, is that midoryia?" Momo cried out.
Everyone did a double take. It was! Also, what was that hourglass and what was so important about it? They attempted to keep watching for an explanation, but the screen went black.
There was an outrage form everyone, except all for one.
Ozymandias appeares on stage to answer their burning questions.

"This one was a test, to make sure it would work. Next time will be longer, i promise. And we will return to this universe at some point. Ok?"
Everyone reluctantly agreed.

"Ok good. Now with that out the way. Next!"

Notes:next up, requests!
Just request what u guys want, and I'll do the most popular one next chapter. Then I'll do another chapter i want, then it'll go back and forth like ok? See u guys next time and may the good blood guide your way hunters...

Ozymandias And The Deku Multiverse!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora