04. newbie initiation night

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newbie initiation night

       "PHOEBE, WAKE UP," Clara pushed on the girl's arm the next morning

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"PHOEBE, WAKE UP," Clara pushed on the girl's arm the next morning. Phoebe, still dead asleep, simply rolled over. Clara sighed and moved closer to her ear. "Phoebe Marie Miller, wake up! Val posted the cast list."

Phoebe immediately sat up. "They posted the cast list?" Clara nodded. Phoebe quickly put on her slippers and grabbed Clara's hand, walking out of the cabin. Nick, who Phoebe assumed had been woken up by Clara, was waiting outside.

There was already a crowd in front of the list, which Phoebe, Clara, and Nick pushed through. Phoebe didn't have to look that hard for her name — it was at the top of the list right next to Anna.

Phoebe looked over to Clara and screamed in excitement. She'd played Belle of course but this was for a documentary that was going to be on TV.

"Wow," Ricky Bowen's voice came from behind them. "I didn't know your voices could even reach that register."

"You get used to it eventually," Nick told him.

"Plug your ears, I'm about to join them," Carlos walked in between the two girls to look at the list, Ricky following him. "I can't believe I'm playing. . ."

"Olaf," Ricky finished. "Congrats, bro. And I'm Kristoff. That's. . ."

"A person," Carlos turned around. "Congratulations on being an actual species, Ricky. What? First Lumiere and now Olaf. Am I destined to play an inanimate object for eternity?"

Phoebe tapped Ricky's shoulder. "Congrats on Kristoff, Ricky. You killed your audition."

"Anna and Kristoff are the leads, right?" Ricky tilted his head.

Phoebe nodded. "Yes, Ricky. They're the leads."

"And they're. . ." he trailed off.

"Well, technically, Hans is Anna's 'love interest' but he's evil and all so Anna and Kristoff are love interests," Phoebe explained.

"Make way for Madame de la Grande Bouche," Ashlyn came through. "Make way for. . . the ensemble? I mean, hey, the ensemble. You can't do a show without the ensemble. There are no small parts, only small actors, right? Don't count your lines, make the lines count."

"All right, all right," EJ joined the crowd. "Everyone calm down. Let's just be professionals."

        "Professionally, mazel tov," Ashlyn replied. "Especially EJ. Personally, I will be backlogging photos of him in antlers for all future possible blackmail purposes."

"And I will be having you send those to me," Clara pointed at her.

"What are you talking about?" EJ questioned.

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