~Erwin's First Choice~

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(Y/N's POV) I was in my room, reading this book that my mom got me. It was old and crusty, but it was the thought that counts. Suddenly, I hear I knock on my front door, then about a minute later, a loud knock appears on my door. I get up carefully, and slide my slippers on. It knocks again, I finally work up the courage to go over to the door and open it. On the other side of the door was none other than Commander Erwin Smith. What the actual fuck was he doing here?!? "May I help you?" I say bravely. "Oh, uh, yes, I'm Commander Smith from the Survey Corps. I have a few questions for you." He says nervously. "What about?" I say annoyed because he interrupted my reading. "Follow me" He says as he turns to walk away. We get outside and there is a carriage waiting for me. In the corner of my eye I see Isabelle, Farlan, and Levi hiding. We had made plans to hangout earlier. "Shit" I thought to myself. "Get in." Erwin demands. I try running, but I'm no match for him and his other 3 men. I get in the car, with a look of pure anger. The Commander finally says "We are taking you to headquarters, you will be questioned there." I slightly nod and stare out of the carriage window. 

(Levi's POV) "Was that the Commander?!?" Isabelle frantically questions. "Yes, from what I heard they are taking her in for questioning." Farlan answered quickly. I walk over to Y/N's front door and knock. Her mom answers, it looks like she is panicking. "Come in, hurry, before they see you." I nod and quickly walk in, Farlan and Isabelle do the same. "Take a seat" Mrs. L/N tells us as she points at the couch in the living room. We all sit down, I speak up and say "What happened? We could only see and hear so much." "The Commander knocked on the front door asking where she was, at first I didn't answer, then he said he had a search warrant." Her mom explains. "Why wouldn't he come after me?" I say impatiently. "Maybe he thinks she'll crack first, if anything you and Y/N are the ones who won't." Farlan says. The room goes silent. I'm hoping she doesn't do anything stupid, I don't want anything to happen to her. 

(Y/N's POV) They threw me into this ugly ass room. They need some decorations here to make it interesting. The Commander enters the room staring at me, the Section Commander is right next to him. Now I'm scared, that person is terrifying. "We have a few questions for you." Hanji says excitedly. I stare blankly back at her. "Okayyyyy, umm well first starters how old are you?" She says awkwardly. "I'm 19." I say. "What's your first and last name?" She says. "Y/N L/N, shouldn't it be on the damn paper." I say getting angry because they asked such a dumb question. She ignores my comment and interrogates me about my life and my friends and such. After a while she finally shuts up. Erwin walks over to me, whilst listing all my charges. "I have an ultimatum. You could either go serve your very long time in jail or you can join the survey corps, if you decide to join, you would get a clean slate." Erwin says while looking me in the eye. "You have 5 minutes to decide! See ya then!" Hanji exclaims as they both walk out of the door. Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck! Why me of all people? God fucking damnit! "Well let's think about this, get annoyed for the rest of your life, by some stuck up fat pigs or die an honorable death?" I think to myself. "Fine whatever die an honorable death it is." I say quietly. 3 minutes later, Hanji struts in with Erwin behind them. "Have you decided yet?" Hanji questions smiling ear to ear. "It's an obvious answer, but I guess I'll spell it out for you. I-will-join-the-survey-corps." I answer, while saying the last part very slowly. "Great!" Hanji excitedly says. They start rambling on and on about how amazing this will be while Erwin just gives me a smile of approval. They get me settled into my room and show me around. It's better than the underground to be honest. I just wish I would've been able to say goodbye to my mom and my little sister. "OMG I CANT HANGOUT WITH MY BEST FRIENDS ANYMORE" I scream in my brain. Finally dinner comes and goes quickly, then I go to bed. I have to wake up early for training UGHHHHHHH. 

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