Chapter 1

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I got up this morning and got ready for school knowing that Jonathan would be giving me a ride today I walked downstairs to see Mike, Nancy, and our youngest sister Holly all eating breakfast, "Are you riding with me and Steve or are you going with Mike, Will, and Jonathan?" Nancy asked when she saw me. "Jonathan" I replied tiredly as I said that there was a honk from outside, "Alright, well I'll see you at school!" Nancy yelled as she rushed outside. A little while later Jonathan pulled up just as our mom finished getting ready and got Holly ready for the day, "Bye mom, love you!" I and Mike yelled as we went outside. "Hey Y/N. How are you doing this lovely morning?" Jonathan asked me as he got out to open my door then Mike's door "I'm doing great! How about you?" I asked thanking him as I got in. "Much better now that I don't have to listen to Will go on and on about D&D." He laughed as he pulled away from mine and Mike's home and headed towards the middle school to drop the two off. I giggled at what he said understanding how annoying it gets. After we dropped Mike and Will off we head to school which wasn't too far from the middle school. We soon pulled up to school and Jonathan shut off the car's engine and got out opening the door for me, "M'lady" He said bowing down slightly, I giggled "Why thank you, kind sir." I giggle again bowing as he did. He laughed and put his arm around me as we walked into school. "Alright this is my stop, are we still meeting up for lunch?" I ask as we stop in front of my class, "Yeah of course we are." He says spinning me around before bringing my hand to his face giving it a gentle kiss and letting it go. I could feel my face heat up and my heart start pounding in my chest. I look away blushing hearing him chuckle under his breath, "Have a good day beautiful, I'll see you at lunch." He said with a chuckle and a wink as he watched me walk into my class a blushing mess. As I get to my seat I hear people laughing, giggling, and whispering "Looks like the perv has a girlfriend!" One girl said laughing with her friends. I look down with a slight frown as Jonathan was someone I loved and cared so much about and someone I'd do anything for. As I start getting into my thoughts walking to my seat in the back until someone tripped me making me fall and drop everything I had in my hands, I looked up and saw the one and only Steve 'The Hair' Harrington laughing at me. "Looks like someone would rather have a perv more than me." He whispered to me I just rolled my eyes, picking my stuff up, and walked to my seat. Steve had always had a thing for me and only got with Nancy just to get closer to me in hopes that he could get into my pants which made me sick because I knew that Nancy really did love him. 

To be continued...

A/N~ So this was the official chapter 1 uhm I would give the chapters a name other than just "Chapter #" but I don't know what I would call them so I'm just sticking with it also this might be shity because I don't know what the actual flying fuck what I'm doing and I'm trying not to get writer's block because it fucking sucks so yeah hope you enjoy :)

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