Part 40 - Hi

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[[Y/N] POV]

You sat on your bed, eating popcorn and watching a weird movie that apparently only existed in this dimension.
It is, quite literally, just Harry Potter but instead of Harry Potter, it's Hermione.
It reminds you of something...
But soon, interrupting your movie, you hear a knock at the door.
...Um, what?
You stand up, and slowly make your way to the door.
Turning the knob, and peeking out, you see something you never expected to see.
"...Aiden?" You breathe.
A sense of relief and happiness overtakes you.
You thought...
"Wow. Did anyone else just feel that? I totally just felt a huge wave of romantic tension."
Your attention turns to the black humanoid, it looks like it's made of goo.
You look back at Aiden, and your eyes tear up.
His cloths are slightly tighter than normal.
Yep, that's yours.
You grin, and start to giggle like a school girl.
"I thought..! I thought I was done for! I thought you were gone! I-I thought..." Tears stream down your face.
Happy tears. You're beyond relieved that it's your Aiden.
"Jesus!" You kneel over, clutching your sides as you laugh feverishly.
When you calm down, you look back up with a smile.
"How did you find me?" You ask.
"The Author helped me." Aiden motions at the black goo.
You wave, then turn your attention back to Aiden.
"I'm so glad you're here. I was seriously thinking about living my entire life here until you found me."
"Were you, really?"
"Yeah! I almost died in that swamp!"
"I know you're strong. You can do more than you think you can."
"Oh my GOD! Can we go to the next level now, lovebirds? I'm BORED!" The black blob shouts.
"Oh, uh.. Sure! Author, right?"
"Alright, show me the way!" You smile.

Short chapter but it's okay because I'm literally omw to school right now
Also CHAPTER 40!?!? We're gonna pass Behind Closed Doors' chapter count 😨
See u all later 😈

My Safe Haven [Aiden x Reader] [REWRITTEN ON PAGE!!!]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora