1. I fcking hate him

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"Y/n, get up!" Gwen yells hitting me with a pillow.
"No." I say turning over.
"We have to get to school come on."
"Fine, I'm up." I say groggily.
"Is she up?" Finn asks walking by.
"Yes, now both of you get out so I can change." I say.

They leave and I get dressed.

Once done getting ready I run downstairs.
"Come on, let's go." Gwen says.
"Okay. Okay." I say.

We start walking to school.

Robin walks over to us. I roll my eyes.
"What bitch?" He asks.
"Can't you just keep walking?" I say to him.
"Okay, then I'll just go." I say.
"Fine by me." He says.
"Y/n." Finn says.
"See you guys in class." I say walking off.

Someone bumps into me.
"Hey, watch it!" I say expecting it to be Robin. It's Bruce.
"Shit sorry, Y/n." He says. I sigh.

"You're fine." I say continuing to walk. He grabs my arm.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say shaking his arm off and walking inside.

I just walk around for a bit since I'm early.

"Hey!" Someone yells. I turn and see Matty and his friends. I sigh.
"God is it asshole day?" I ask myself.

They walk over to me.
"Can I help you?"
"Yeah, you could." The redhead says looking me up and down. I step back.

"Where's your twin?" Matty asks.
"With Robin." I say knowing that'll make them stop asking about him.
"Why aren't you with them?"
"Because I didn't feel like it. What is this, 21 questions?" I ask turning.
"No, we were just wondering." Matty says.
"Okay!" I yell walking off.

I walk over and get to my seat by Donna. The bell rings.

Robin walks in.
"Robin, why are you late?" Mr. Johnson asks him.
"He's gonna make up some shitty excuse." I whisper to Donna. She smiles.
"I couldn't get my locker open, it got stuck." He says.

Donna and I share a knowing look.

"Did you get it open though?"
"Yeah, all it took was a good kick." Robin says.
"Okay, just take a seat."

Robin starts to walk to his seat. He's smirking at me and I'm glaring at him.

Stupid asshole always gets away with everything.

"I fucking hate him." I whisper to Donna.
"You say it all the time." She laughs.
"Cause it's true. He's an asshole." I say. She laughs softly.

A couple classes later Finney and I are walking to lunch together.
"Blake twins!" Someone yells. I sigh turning to the Matty and his two sidekicks.

"Didn't you guys have enough of me earlier?" I ask.
"No." Buzz says.
"Shut up." Matty says to him.

"We wanted to talk to Finney." Matty says. I roll my eyes and grab Finn's arm.
"Let's go." I say. He nods.

We start walking. I can tell they're trying to follow us but I just keep walking.

We get to the table and Donna, Robin, and Gwen are already there.

We sit down.

I refuse to look at Robin.

Even though him and I hate each other, we put up with each other during things like lunch since everyone else in the group likes it.

Robin and I have hated each other since I can remember. Well not really, he's hated me since forever. I tried to befriend him and it didn't work. Since then I've hated him.

"Don't you have a game on Friday?" Donna asks Finney.
"Yeah, tomorrow." He says.
"Tomorrows Friday?" I ask.
"Yeah." Finn says.
"Wow I could've sworn today was Wednesday." I say.
"You're such a fucking idiot." Robin says to me.
"Can you just go fuck yourself?" I ask.

"Guys please." Donna says trying to stop an argument.
"Whatever." I say leaning back in my seat just waiting for lunch to end.

— time skip to after school friday

Gwen and I sit down while the baseball teams start to warm up. Robin then shows up.

A couple minutes later and Donna shows up.

The game starts and we stand up to watch as Finney pitches.
"Come on, Finn!" I yell. Gwen, Donna, and Robin also continue to cheer on.

Finney strikes him out.
"Good job, Finney!" I yell.
"Can you not yell in my ear?" Robin says to me.
"I'm not doing it on purpose and we're all yelling." I say.
"Yeah, but your voice is fucking annoying." He says.
"Fuck you." I say completely done with his shit.

I turn around.
"Where are you going?" Gwen asks.
"Home." I say starting to walk.
"About time!" Robin yells after me. I ignore him and keep walking.

After a bit I hear someone walking. I turn around expecting Gwen or Donna. It's not.

"Hi Thomas." I say. (thomas is a made up character)
"Hi Y/n. Why'd you leave?"
"Robin's a pain in the ass." I say. He laughs.
"Yeah, I don't know why he's such a dick. You're great." He says. I laugh softly.
"Thanks." I say.

"So where are you going?" He asks.
"Home." I say.
"I'll walk you, it's not safe to walk alone." He says.
"Okay." I say smiling.

He puts his hand on the small of my back to get me to start walking again.

We talk casually until we get close to the house.

"You're really great and pretty." He says. I smile.
"Thank you." I say smiling.

I walk inside.

"Bye." I say before closing the door.

(A.n: i swear ik where this is going

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