"Edmund, I have a bad feeling about this." the youngest Pevensie spoke.
"I'll go find him."
"I'll come with you." Caspian added.
The Devoted's ears perked up, this was the most mature interaction that the pair had all day, maybe they could talk it out and finally grow up a bit. Her and Lucy made their way to a longboat and were rowed to the Dawn Treader, on which they would await their friends and families return. Although it had been almost an hour and there was no sign of the trio anywhere. It was clear that Lucy was panicking beyond compare, after magic golden water, there could be anything on this island and it was possibly that they had ran into trouble.

A deep grumble shook the boat and all of its inhabitants, it was unlike anything she'd ever heard, sending a chill through her bones

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A deep grumble shook the boat and all of its inhabitants, it was unlike anything she'd ever heard, sending a chill through her bones.
"What was that?" Lucy asked Drinian.
"Was it the volcano?" Gael added, her tone a mixture of panic and curiosity.
"That's no volcano. All hands on deck!"

The thing about dragons is that despite their graceful and swift nature, they crave the spillage of blood, they were truly greedy creatures in that way. Estelle had read plenty about dragons and their large saurian gaze that could provoke fear in even the toughest of knights, she'd never imagined herself ever interacting with one, nor did she want to.

However, this dragon was unlike those in her fantasy books. This dragon had piercing blue eyes that seemed almost human-like, it's movements were frantic and violent, like a deer that just learned to walk. It didn't seek to impress or to boast its large frame, instead it seemed to want to escape it. Estelle didn't have time to decide wether this made the beast more or less terrifying.

"He'll break the mast!"
She regained her composure and grabbed the two younger girls, protecting them with her slightly taller frame, dagger drawn. Not that it could deal much damage to the creature. The dragon roared in pain from an unknown source and soared off back towards the island, only to grab a small figure in the distance. It was only when the beast flew over the ship once more, that it became clear that the 'figure' was actually her best friend.

"Edmund!" Lucy screeched at the top of her lungs.
"Lucy!" He yelled back.
Drinian and his men dropped the long boats again and hurried the three girls onto one, rushing ashore to search for the boy and locate Caspian before it was too late. They reached land and surprisingly were met with both boys casually stood beside the dragon. It didn't seem angry or as though it intended to harm them.

"It's Eustace." Edmund stated bluntly, almost as though he himself was struggling to comprehend this.
"He must've been tempted by the treasure."
"Anyone knows a dragons treasure is enchanted." Caspian spoke, earning himself a harsh glare from the blue-eyed beast.
"Well, anyone from here." He finished.
Estelle approached the dragon-boy and carefully removed the golden bracelet from his..... arm? revealing deep bruising around the limb.
"Sorry." She mumbled as he hissed in agony.

Drinian stated that he was unaware of any way to return the boy back to his original form, causing him to roll his enlarged eyes and huff.
"Aunt Alberta will not be pleased." Edmund tried to lighten the mood but Eustace was not having it, he'd been shoved into a dangerous world, almost killed, and was now a dragon with no way to revert back, it's safe to say he wasn't having the best week.

"The boats are ready, sire."
"We can't leave him here!" Lucy urged, although the boy was known for his annoying waffling, he was still her cousin.
"Well, we can't bring him on board." Drinian countered, done with the conversation.
"Drinian, you and the others take one boat back. The rest of us will stay till morning and figure out what to do." Caspian ordered, ignoring Rhince's concerns of falling to the harsh cold as Eustace blew fire at a pile of logs.

Estelle fixed herself beside the two younger girls, immediately turning onto her side and waiting for sleep to overpower her. However her mind was kept occupied by the girls discussions of mothers and how they missed them oh-so-dearly. Angry tears bubbled in her eyes as she realised that both girls had opportunities to see their mothers again, and yet Estelle was permanently deprived of this experience.

She wondered what she ever did to deserve this, why her? was she being punished for something? Jealousy sparked a flame in her stomach as she clenched her eyes shut, practically begging for her body to fall unconscious and free her from the torment of their conversation. The guilt of internal bitterness washed over her, Lucy and Gael were so young and simply missed their mothers, who was she to feel envious and annoyed? maybe she really was a selfish and bad person like Ruth had told her. Promises of finding lost parents and reunions plagued her ears as she drifted into an uncomfortable slumber with watercolour eyes.

word count: 2414A/Npoor Eustace :(

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word count: 2414
poor Eustace :(

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