Chapter 31: Studying at Dani's

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The next couple of days felt like a dream.

Despite what happened to Donghyuck and Shotaro during lunch break, their injuries weren't serious and a good night's rest was all they needed to be fine the next day. Schoolmates flocked the two seniors, asking if they were okay. It didn't take too long for the ambiance to get back to normal for the group of seniors.

Doah didn't seem to be a problem for Dani and Geurim. After that day, the girls didn't have any other unwanted encounters, which was definitely for the better. It was probably in that spur of the moment, they had the unfortunate moment of running into each other. Despite that, Doah wouldn't be able to ruin Dani's great mood, anyway.

She was so happy.

Dani and Sua had been messaging each other. It brought Dani back to the good ole days, where she would tell her older cousin everything under the sun. She'd been getting to see a little more sides of her cousin, to see the insides of a college student's life. It's been great, it felt like everything was finally... perfect.

She had her sister back.

Friday came around, which meant another big study session was planned. This time, at Dani's home. Besides Donghyuck, this would be the first time for everyone to see her home. It was both exciting and nerve-wracking. But after telling her parents about the arrangement, they did everything within their power to clean up their apartment, as well as prepare a lot of snacks and drinks for when the seniors arrive.

Her mother must've been so happy that Dani was bringing over friends to their place, she had left some money for the teens to buy some snacks. With a quick convenience store run and freshening up at the Baek abode, the group got into their work.

Dani had to admit, she felt the nerves prick at her skin. With her parents still at work, she had to be a good host to her friends. How does one exactly do that? They had all the snacks they could ever need, as well as drinks from the store. She was afraid to ask if her friends were comfy. They could only study around the coffee table in the living room, as that was how they can all remotely fit to study together. Still, notebooks and workbooks still littered the floor because the table wasn't big enough. Dani had all these thoughts.

All her worries washed away, however. Her friends were as boisterous and chatty as usual. Dani shook away her little concerns and got into her studying. They definitely had more progress done today than their previous times, as the thought of the imminent college exams loomed over them. It was great teamwork for the six, helping each other out on subjects that the others may be slacking on.

After a couple hours of studying, the six decided to take a much needed break.

All the boys ended up piling onto the couch, laying back and basically on top of each other. Dani and Geurim could only exchange glances, boys will be boys, right?

"Oh my goodness, Dani, wait, is this yours?" Jaemin chimed as he escaped from the mess. He shuffled over to the living room television. In the cabinet of the TV stand was an array of video game consoles and games. There was quite a variety in the collection.

"It's mainly my dad's, but I play them from time to time," Dani replied as she watched the boy look through the collection. "He's such a Nintendo buff, so he naturally introduced me to Pokémon."

"You could've told us, we should all play Smash together or something," Jeno suggested before taking of his chips.

Dani grinned, "Just lemme know when. But I'll have you know that's I'm pretty good."

"Are you sure about that or is that what your dad says?"

"Hyuck, that's fighting words."

"Dani, can we see your bedroom?" Geurim asked in a hopeful tone. Even all the boys perked up to the idea. Dani could only nod and pointed over to the closed door to the right of them. The five of them scrambled onto their feet and hurried over to her room.

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