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 I quickly hop on and head to my usual seat; fifth to last, right window seat. 

I whip out my phone, plugging in my ear buds and get Metallica playing before texting Nora, my best friend who I've never met. perks of only having online friends is they don't judge me for being non-binary and bi, they dont give me weird looks, they dont call me attention seeking.


"HOLY MOTHFUCKIN' SHIT WHAT THE HECK?!!!" I jump out of my seat, ramming my head into the roof of the cramped bus and painfully pulling my ear buds out. I quickly check if people are watching, a couple of people give me wary looks but quickly get sucked back in by their waiting Facebook blogs or some shit.

I turn to an amused looking Theo, "what the fuck dude." He crosses his arms, contently sitting on the usually empty seat beside mine. "You know, normal people say 'motherfucking' what'd moths ever do to you?" 

I shudder, "they're so vile and annoying!"
"So are mothers-" I give him a look, "-sometimes" as if that makes it any better.

He scratches his neck, "anyway, um I was wondering..." the bus comes to a stop and the doors open letting more teenagers on, their voices completely overlapping Theo's. 

"AYY I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE; SOMETHING BEGINNING WITH G I R L???" I cringe at the last part and Theodore sighs, as a tall white guy -who by the way, I have never seen in my life- with stylish blond hair and dazzling blue eyes makes his way through the cramped bus towards us, Theo leans towards me "sorry in advance." He mumbles.

The blond guy glances at our two seats in distaste, "you two wouldn't mine scooching a smidget, make space for little ol' me?" I take a quick look around the bus, there's no seats left and we still have 20 minutes to go... Theo lets out an exasperated sound, but he moves towards me, slightly squishing me against the window as I attempt to keep as much space between us as possible. We legit met 10 minutes ago; I don't want to get all cuddly with him just because his friend wants a seat. 

The blond sits down, wrapping an arm around Theo's shoulders; "and you must be.." "Charlie." I say, theo looks confused before the blond continues speaking, "girl where did you get that hoodie? Its fuckin' slaying." I cringe again as He leans over Theo and extends his hand, I give it an awkward shake. "Thanks." It came out sounding ruder then intended and the blond raises an eyebrow at Theo who shrugs before turning his head to glance at me. I gulp, looking around for a way out as Theo and the blond seem to have a nonverbal conversation.

Theo shifts a little, pushing me further against the window. I grab my bag from the ground and move it onto my lap so I can make myself smaller.

Theo and the blond start discussing some football match they saw last night on tv. I stare out the window, counting the trees; I get to 56 before we arrive at Hilton-North High, the only public high school in at least three towns. The large brick building makes shadows over the carpark as the bus pulls up and students start piling out. 




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