the party

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Pov: matteo

They really did dragged me here to this stupid ass party. And all I did was sitting here waiting for them to go home. Nothing interesting happened either so this whole thing here was totally useless. But since I didn't had anything better to do I just decided to go play beer-pong with some other dudes.
We just played normally till some randomly approached me.

"Matteo?" A strange voice said.
"Yes?" I responded without even looking at him.
"Omg it's really you!" The voice sounded excited.
"Come let's sit down there." He dragged me with him and when I faced him I was shocked.
"David?" I mumbled.
"What?" He was confused for sure.
"Ah nothing" I responded.

He's dead Matteo. He won't be here.
Jonas joined us.

"Jonas?" The stranger said.
"Joshua? Is it really you. Omg it's been so long." Jonas sounded happy.

Jonas did ask me why I didn't told him I've met Joshua. I just told him I didn't know who he was. They explained to me that Jonas met him back in 3rd grade and we all became friends for those 2 last years we had together. Because Joshua went to a different school then us. So we were sperated again.

We chatted for sometime all together what we been up to and stuff. When suddenly some girl came up to joshi (that's what we called him back when we were kids) and asked if he wanted to dance and maybe do some other stuff. Wich was completely weird cause who asks something like that a stranger. Well Jonas could just think of one thing. Wich were..

"Why did you denied her? She was truly a goddess."
"Cause I wasn't interested." He just answered.
"But why? Oh you already have a girlfriend right?" Jonas then just asked.
"Nope" he said coldly
"Why then?" Jonas was definitely curious.
"Because I'm gay. I like boys" joshii told him.
"Yo,really? So is luigi here. Our best man. I think I leave you two alone now. He just said and left.

We talked for a while and I really did drink a lot

Suddenly joshi asked: "wanna go? U seem heavily drunk. I am gonna bring you home"
I just responded with a nod and we left.

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