💜 Chapter 1 💜

Start from the beginning

After their homeroom teacher had finished with her morning lecture, the class was told that they needed to go down for the morning assembly, making the class groan and complain about their principal putting random showcases like this. Nadeshiko stood up from her chair.

Everyone tried to get a position behind her in the line but somehow, 'conveniently' Kusuo found himself standing behind her before Teruhashi Kokomi could rush in and 'bump' into Nadeshiko.

Nadeshiko seemed to shed flowers as she walked, catching the attention of students from other classes as they entered the gymnasium. Kokomi's thoughts were the loudest in anger.

Kusuo continued to focus on Nadeshiko's mind, slowly beginning to find it to be a rather welcoming place to be if he wanted himself to doze off mentally. He wondered what was up with this girl – he wondered and wondered all throughout the morning assembly in the gymnasium.

It was almost at once that Kusuo noticed that Nadeshiko was a little bit taller than him, and it took him a moment to compose himself and not make himself taller than her. Thoughts like that were now coming to him for some reason. Kusuo was not keen with such things.

At the same time, he also wondered if his thoughts were conveyed to Nadeshiko. He couldn't hear her thoughts, could it be that she could not hear his as well? That would be inconvenient, so Kusuo tested it out with the simple words 'Excuse me', which he found himself cringing at in a second.

But Nadeshiko heard him because she turned around to look at him from the front row, her bright violet eyes looking at him curiously but before he could think of anything, his vision went dark.

"Guess who?" came the voice of Nendo Riki, who had put his hands onto Kusuo's eyes from behind, which Kusuo did not appreciate at the moment at all. "Hey, pal, let's go have some ramen after school,"

Now, both Nadeshiko and Riki were around him, and it was a shame, because Riki had taken the opportunity to haggle Nadeshiko when he noticed her to be looking at them.

"Oh!" Riki exclaimed. "Nice to meet you!" He thrusted his hand forward. "My name's Nendo Riki, your name's Minamoto Nadeshiko-Chan, right? Why don't you join my pal and I –"

However, before Kusuo could do something about the situation at hand, someone not far from them fell to the ground with a loud thud. Nadeshiko, Kusuo and Riki all turned to look at that direction as well as everyone around them panicked at the situation and their principal stopped yapping.

"Someone suddenly collapsed!"

"An anaemia attack?"

"Ahh!" shouted Riki, taking both Nadeshiko and Kusuo aback as he went running to the boy who had fallen. "What's wrong?! What happened to you?! Hey! Wake up!"

"Whoa!" said one of the students who had gathered in a circle around the boy. "It's Nendou!"

"Are you dead?!" asked Riki, and for some reason, he began to punch the fainted kid. "Are you dead?!" Kusuo glanced at Nadeshiko, who was at a loss for words.

"Hey, what are you doing, Nendou?!" shouted the students.

"Don't die!" Riki shouted before he suddenly decided that he needed to give mouth-to-mouth CPR to the fallen Takahashi. "Dammit! I'll perform mouth-to-mouth!"

"Eww!" gagged one of the girls. "He kissed him!"

"What are you doing, Nendou?!" exclaimed one of the teachers, Igarashi. "Hurry up and take him to the nurse's office!"

"Hm?" Riki asked. "Oh, that's right! The nurse's office!"

"Ah, Saiki," Igarashi said, turning to look at the pink-haired boy. "Go with them. I'm not sure if Nendou can take care of him alone,"

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