Chapter 2: Blame

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Sure, she wasn't a goody two shoes, but she wasn't the girlboss she used to be. She didn't give anyone the cold shoulder, she didn't threaten anyone's social status when they hurt her friends.

Not that she had those any more.


She lost those.

And she blamed herself.

No one else she could blame.


Every time Sasha walked to school, she still expected to run into Marcy and Anne. She knew she wouldn't, but that didn't stop her from waiting in their old hangout spot for a second or two, before remembering; their gone.

Marcy moved.

Anne's dead.

They're not coming back.



Sasha closed her locker, turning to the girl who called her name.


Normal people just called her Becca.

"Rebecca." Sasha greets her like a soldier, standing tall, taller than most students in her school, and watches Rebecca through a masked face.

The brunette fidgets under Sasha's gaze. It wasn't a harsh stare like it used to be, it was more empty. It would study someone from head to toe, finding any weakness in someone's defense.

It made everyone uneasy.

Her stare would scare them.

She liked it that way. It was quiet, no one to sneak in to steal her heart again.

It takes a moment for a girl to make eye contact, the moment she does she lets out a shaky breath, "I, um, I was, my friends..." Rebecca sighs, frustrated, she looks at Sasha again, her head slightly tilted. "What happened? What happened to the great Sasha Waybright? You used to be cool, you hosted the best parties. Now, you're just..." She gestures to Sasha before continuing, "Sad."

Sasha feels like she should be mad.

She isn't.

She just laughs.

"Yeah," She agrees, "yeah, I am pretty pathetic ain't I?" she shakes her head, then looks at Rebecca with hardened eyes, "I grew up, the hard way." Sasha spins around, marching to her next class like a general on a mission, leaving the girl dumbfounded, and a little hurt.


After school Sasha's walking to the library when Rebecca comes running up behind her, panting.

"Waybright." She greats, gulping in air.

Sasha scowls, when will this girl give up? "You should be on the track team." She snorts, picking up her pace.

Rebecca looks up and chases after the blonde again, "Than-Hey!" she yelps, "You didn't answer the question." She grabs Sasha's arm, making sure she can't get away.

Sasha just turns her head to look at the brunette. "I grew up. Made amends." Her mind drifts towards Anne. "I lost a friend." she yanks her arm away, and continues walking.

Rebecca doesn't pursue her this time, she just watches Sasha go, biting her lip.Maybe she shouldn't press her...


The light in Rebecca's eye returns as starts her own journey home.


Unknown Hero (A Amphibia AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon