𝟏𝟐- 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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You sighed as you clocked out of work, then a buzzing was heard from your locker.

You were quick to dart to it, you opened the locker to see it was a call. A facetime call, you picked it up. "Hello" you spoke as you grabbed your things from the locker. "HIIII" q's voice blared through your headphones, "jeez q, calm down" you groaned as you shut your locker.

"Sorry" he mumbled, "anyway whatcha need?" you asked, "uh nothin just wanted to talk" he shrugged. "Ok q, I'll PayPal you 30 bucks to kick sapnap right now" you chuckled as you walked to your car. "Deadass?" q asked. "Deadass" you deadpanned.

Then you got a facetime request from q, you picked it up to see the camera super close to his face. "BACK UP" you shouted at him, he instantly pulled the phone away.

He appeared to be walking somewhere, then he flipped the camera around. He walked towards sapnap, "hey sap!" quackity said to him, "hey q-" sapnap was cut off by q kicking him. "AAAA" q screamed as sapnap chased him.

"YOU BETTER GIVE ME THAT 30 BUCKS" he yelled, "NOPE" you laughed at him as you hung up.

You got into your car and just sat there, "what now? I don't want to go home" you groaned. Then an idea popped into your head, "connivence store picnic?" you asked yourself. You nodded at the idea and trekked your way to the nearest connivence store.

See, connivence store picnics were something you did since middle school. It's basically where you buy monster, candy, any food, slushies, ect. It's just like a picnic, but the food is lower quality.

You parked in front of the store and got out; you locked your car as you walked in. "Y/N!" a shout came, your head darted to the counter. You saw amiee and ashton there in an employee uniform.

"OMG! AIMEE! ASHTON!" you rushed to them, "heyy!" ashton greeted. "Anyway, whatcha doin here?" aimee asked, "oh just gettin some stuff for a convivence store picnic, what about u?" you replied, "we work here, and what's a convivence store picnic?" ashton asked, "oh its where you make a picnic just out of convivence store stuff" you answered.

"OooO! That sounds so cool! Can we join you? Our shift ends in 20 minutes" aimee's eyes lit up, "yes of course" you smiled.

"Anyways, what are you guys doin?" you asked, "our boss left a list of side work to do, we did everything but restock and refill the slushie machine" aimsey answered. "Ohh alright" you replied. "Could I help?"

"Yeah sure! Could you put those to their proper places?" ashton pointed to a basket of items, "mhm" you hummed in response. You began to sort everything into its own place, you walked through the candy isle, drink fridges, and the cigarette section. Meanwhile ashton and aimee were filling up the slushie machine.

As you finished a loud scream came from the store, you rushed over to see aimee covered in slushie while ashton laughed. "AIMSEY! WHAT HAPPENED?" you rushed over to her, "he dropped the mix on me while I held him up" she frowned. "Oh! I have some spare clothes" you smiled at her; she darted up.

You walked to your bag and pulled out some jeans and a baggy hoodie. "Here ya go!" you handed aimsey the clothes, she walked to the bathroom leaving ashton and you by yourselves. "Heyyy soo can I get your number?" ashton slid over to you trying to be sly, but he just slipped on the slushie mix.

"A" he screamed as he fell, you just bursted out laughing, "HEY!" he shouted. He just pulled you down into the slushie mix, "AHH" you screamed. Then aimsey walked out, "what the f-" she cut herself of with laughter.

Your clothes were stained. "MY CLOTHES!" you yelled grabbing them out, "OH MY GOD IM SO FUCKING SORRY" ashton got up once he noticed your clothes. "It's alright, I'll wash em, plus they look cool" you stared in awe at your stained shoes.

"Let's clean this up" you helped ashton up, aimsey threw everyone mops. It took you 20 minutes but hey at least you got it done right? 

"And our shift is over!" ashton exclaimed, "yeah but uh boss won't be too happy about slushie mix tho" aimsey put away the mops.

"Mhm yeah we'll just say that it didn't come" ashton shrugged. "We still haven't gotten the stuff for the picnic" you leaned on the counter. "Oooo! Let's do it!" aimsey happily said, everyone went around and got the stuff. Everyone was assigned a different thing, you were assigned drinks, aimsey was assigned candy, and ashton was assigned literally anything else they would need.

Then your phone rang, you were quick to snatch it and answer it. It was a facetime again, this time from karl. "HEYY Y/N!" karl shouted, the rest of the crew boys were nowhere to be found. "Heyyy karl" you said back. "Whatcha doin?"he asked, "uhm gettin ready for a convience store picnic" you smiled as you grabbed the drinks.

 "By yourself?" he asked, "nah I'm with some new friends" you answered. His bubbly tone immediately dropped.

"HEY Y/N! CAN WE DO BATTERY ACID?" aimsey shouted, "HELL YEAH!" you replied, "gotta go karl, I'll call ya later tonight!" you smiled at them, "alright, bye." he said with a frown. Then you hung up. You aimsey, and ashton continued to grab things.

Jealousy stirred with the boys; they wish they were there. Maybe if they got kicked with them, they could prevent it.

Aimsey, ashton, and you made your way out of the store giggling. "Let's take my car!" you offered, "sure! we got here from the bus anyway" aimsey said walking over.

Ashton placed all the bags into the trunk, "I CALL SHOTGUN!" aimsey shouted as she climbed into the front seat. "IM OLDER!" he shouted back, "BY 3 SECONDS!" aimsey argued, "IT STILL COUNTS!" ashton shouted.

"Aimsey you wanna be on aux?" you asked her, "YESSSS" she whipped out her phone. The first song to play was "VROOM VROOM" by mickey darling.

"Aimsey I officaly love you know" you deadpanned as you pulled out of the parking lot.

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