Ever after high

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As mysterious trumpets played their tune , Raven Queen and Apple White awoke from their slumbers : Apple looking perfect ; Raven looking like ... Well she just woke up . Ten minutes later , Raven had tackled her mane on knotty black and fuchsia purple hair and was looking reasonably tidy , her favourite black and silver gown with a silver tiara were being worn and were now lacing up her Black running boots and stuffing a pair of Silver Sandals in a running bag . Today she was getting her timetable from sorceress Baba Yaga and that witch lived in a hut that could run spella fast . Clomping down the stairs , Raven eventually reached the casteteria where her bffa's ( Madeline Hatter , Cerise Hood and Cedar wood ) were sat at a table and Maddie hopping towards Raven .
" Two teapots sing , rythme time never full of slime " said Maddie
" RIDDLE ALERT " laughed Raven and when she got her food , went to the table .
" Hi guys " Chatted Raven as Cedar , Cerise and Maddie played if I wasn't . Since Raven didn't particularly like the game , she scoped around the room and her eyes played on Dexter Charming . Ravens heart instantly heated faster . She shook herself and said to herself . " Raven , you can't fancy him , he is a Prince and your a ... Well a ... Evil person " Raven winced . Raven always tried to be nice to other people since she didn't think her destiny was right for her . Her alarm suddenly beeped . Her dreamy gaze was broken .
" Seeya " she said absent mindedly still looking away . Cedars eyes narrowed . Luckily for Raven , Cedar could now keep secrets but couldn't lie and planned to ask Raven about it at Free time after the Rebels had

Dexters POV ( kinda )
" Hey Lil bro ! " laughed Daring , his brother , who was surrounded by dozens of girls . If he was asked if he liked anyone , Dexter would lie but secretly he did have one . Raven Queen . He knew that he had to marry a damsel in distress but in his heart he knew that he couldn't and had feelings in his head that he couldn't ignore . However , Dexter didn't know what his story was and sometimes had The dream . The same dream . It was of Dexter on Legacy day , which was this year , and when he peered into the storybook of legends , Dexter found that he was Raven Queens husband , kinda apples father .

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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