Xiao Zhan walks straight to the shower. Yibo hurries to wardrobe to pick out his clothes for him. He lays the clothes on the bed and he looks around the room. It was clean, tidy. Everything was perfect. Yet Yibo was nervous. What if something was not in its right place? What if he has missed something.

It's not Yibo's nature to be neat. He was a one who would make a mess wherever he goes. But now he is not like that. Has he changed? Not quite. He just doesn't want to a more burden than he already is. And he knows him being himself would burden Xiao Zhan.

He needs to perfect. Not that it would make him someone valuable. Someone that deserves his love. But still,... it would make him a less of burden.

Yibo takes a breath of relief as Xiao Zhan picks up the clothes on the bed without saying anything. So it must be that he didn't make a mistake while picking clothes for him.

Yibo hurries to the kitchen. He has to heat up the food. He can't make him wait. Food needs to be on the table when he comes. But not too early. Then the food will get cold. Like Xiao Zhan tells him, he comes home after a tiring day. Unlike Yibo he was not leisurely at home all day. So he deserves a good meal.

Yibo was nervous again. Xiao Zhan was about to taste the food. He tastes the first dish. He didn't yell. So its okay. He tastes the second. It's okay too. But third. Xiao Zhan's face changes into disgust.

Just as Xiao Zhan looked at him Yibo looked down. He heard him mumbling a " can't do anything right. " at him. He didn't dare to look up.

Yibo stayed there till he ends his meal and got up to turn on the TV. Yibo collected his plate, glass and all other bowls on the table and took them to the sink.

He began cleaning them. When he threw away that third dish his heart hurt a little. It was a new recipe. He spent two hours cooking it. He tried it yesterday and Xiao Zhan liked it then. But today he doesn't.

When he was done with the dishes he walked to the living room. And Xiao Zhan was there watching News and again paying him no glance.

In rare days Xiao Zhan would look at him and asks him something about his day. When that happens Yibo would be over the moon. He would feel slightly bit valuable than he was on other days. So he would always wait beside him wondering if he would ask about his day today.

Ten minutes passed.. half an hour passed..
An hour passed.. Looks like it's not going to happen today. Today he is not worthy enough to be asked about himself.

Keeping his head down Yibo walks to their room and roll to the corner of the bed. He was tired today. It rained heavily in that afternoon which led to a big branch of that tree in front of the house to break down and fell right in front of the gate. So Yibo had to cut it and pull the parts away from the gate.

It was no easy task. And after the accident he still hadn't gotten his health back. He was still weak. Doctor had advised him to refrain from doing heavy work at least for few years and its only been one year. But he had to do it. Otherwise Xiao Zhan wouldn't be able to take the car through the gate. That would make him mad.

So just as he laid on the bed he fell asleep.

But that was only for few minutes. He flinched as he heard that yelling in front of him. The moment he saw Zhan's angry face first thing he thought that what did he do this time. It's not sarcastic. He really wondered that. But even without knowing the reason he felt guilty.

Xiao Zhan yelled , yelled and yelled. He blamed him for doing nothing in the house. Blamed him for being lazy. He said that he had given him a place to sleep and food to eat but he cannot even do a simplest thing for. He cannot even make his bed for him.

Xiao Zhan ( English version )Where stories live. Discover now