thirteen: balloon flower

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Hana felt her heart flutter as she glanced at Do Hwa's relationship stone he was holding, the one they will be breaking.

"Write your own wish. Don't read mine, okay?"

Do Hwa stared at her with a gentle smile on his face as he remembered his wish. When Hana was done, Do Hwa gently grabbed her hand and placed the end of his relationship stone on her palm.

"Will you break a Relationship Stone with me, Siu Hana?" Do Hwa asked and looked affectionately at her.

Hana nodded giddily. "I'd love to, Lee Do Hwa!" she exclaimed in delight, making Do Hwa chuckle.

Hana and Do Hwa broke the relationship stone and looked at their broken piece. They smiled happily when they saw that the stone was cut in equal half.

"Does that mean we like each other?" Do Hwa teasingly asked, making Hana blush and hit his shoulder.

Hana grabbed the other broken stone piece from Do Hwa's hand as well as the stone with their wish. She knelt on the ground and gathered some stones to make a stone tower for their relationship stone and their wish. Do Hwa smiled and knelt beside her to help.

I want her to be happy

I want him to be happy


page flipping...

Stage Hana watched sadly as Do Hwa and Joo Da opened their papers together and found out they have different numbers. Nam Ju walked over to them and put Do Hwa in his place before walking away with Joo Da. She looked down at her paper with the number 12 on it, already knowing Do Hwa has the same number. They were the second leads after all. It was painfully obvious just like how Nam Ju and Joo Da were partners, as well as Dan Oh and Kyung.

She walked over to Do Hwa and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Do Hwa, what's your number?" she asked.

Do Hwa looked at her and smiled. "I got 12. How about you, Hana?" he asked and took a peek at the paper in her hand.

Hana smiled happily and showed him her number. "I got 12 too."

They smiled at each other before hearing the closing of a book, ending the stage of the second leads.

"The writer's getting suspicious." Hana said as she looked around as if finding someone.

Do Hwa chuckled at her actions. "Why?"

Hana frowned. "My character is supposed to be in an unrequited love with you, but why do we have so many scenes together?" she explained as Do Hwa's eyes widen in realization. "Didn't you notice?"

Do Hwa nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's weird and suspicious. Even though I'm suppose to like Joo Da, I've been spending a lot of time with you on stage." he added as they both looked up in confusion.

"Is the writer trying to make the second leads a couple?"

Hana and Do Hwa glanced at each other, not disliking the idea. They blushed at the thought before looking away as they cleared their throats.

"We should start trekking." Hana suggested.

Do Hwa nodded. "Yes, we definitely should." he agreed and took two flashlights from his pocket and turned them on before giving one to her.

The two walked closely to each other as they started trekking through the forest. Hana jumped in surprise and hugged Do Hwa every time she heard something while Do Hwa's heart flutter every single time Hana would hug him.

cherry blossom || extraordinary you Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin