#1 Cause and effect

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Thanks to the actions of the Justice league a entire Earth was destroyed the only Survivors were Hiroshi Hisashi his Girlfriend Cassandra Cage and Kai Liang only they did not know that ever since this happened 3 months ago Hiroshi Hisashi who was taking up his Father's Mantle as Scorpion. vowed that the Justice league would pay for this with there life's As Hiroshi thought about it They would not be a problem after all they were able to stop Shinnok a Fallen Elder God so these Superheroes will not be a problem at all when the time comes they will all die.


The Justice league was having there weekly meeting at The hall of Justice

Cyborg well there was a massive break out a few nights ago

Flash how many escaped Vic ?

Cyborg as far as we know Harley Quin Poison Ivy Catwoman Killer Frost Bane and Killer Croc

Flash were are they now

Cyborg we don't know I had Hawk man Scouting the place he couldn't find them. There's another thing I want to bring up a few nights ago a group of The Joker's henchmen were found dead

Superman Who was it The Red Hood ?

Cyborg no he was with the Outlaws in a mission in Vietnam what's strange about it is that they were found with Shards of Ice Jammed in there Skulls

Wonder Woman was it killer Frost ?

Cyborg no because she was still in Arkham at the time

Flash you don't think it could be Subzero right.

Everyone in the Room still felt guilty because of there refusal to help they caused the destruction of a entire Earth they didn't know how many survived and they are 100% certain that the one's that did survive hate them with a Passion they were about to learn that there actions have Consequences.

A few days later

Killer Frost Catwoman Poison Ivy and Harley Quin were all running after stealing from The Mercenary known as Bane he did not take to kindly to that he tracked them down to a old Warehouse in the Narrows Of Gotham he had 10 of His best Men with Guns pointed at them.

Bane any Last Words Before you die

Harley Quin um I love fried Chicken

As they closed there eyes waiting for it to happen all of a sudden everything started to Freeze and it was snowing which is strange because it's July then A Ninja Appeared in Blue and Black he launched shards of Ice killing all of bane's Men. Then Bane himself was confused as to what was happening. The Ninja in Blue and Black Appeared again Forming Ice around his Feet drop kicking Bane into the Wall sending the Big man flying which Would take a lot of Strength who ever this Ninja is He's strong. As The Ninja walked Twords Bane he activated The Venom Drug Greatly increasing his Strength The Ninja Saw this And Froze his Venom Tubes Then Shaddering them then forming ice around his fists punching Bane in the Face Multiple Times with Bane defeated The Ninja Then Formed a Sword Of Ice Using it To Cut Bane's head right off his Body.

??? Are you Okay

Killer Frost I don't normally say this but thanks for the help  what's your name

??? Kai Liang but my enemies call me Subzero.

He helped get them to Poison Ivy's apartment one thing was for certain things in Gotham  would never be the same after tonight with Bane dead there's going to be a power Struggle but not only that Criminals have something else to fear Subzero.

A few days later

Dihna Lance aka the Black Canary just went through a rough Breakup with her long time boyfriend Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow trying to get her Mind off things she went on Patrol of Gotham but when she was wandering the streets of Gotham she came across something she had never seen before there was Dead Body's everywhere some were burned others missing if not all of there limbs. She then found this Ninja in Yellow and black Interrogating This Thug that worked for The Joker asking about a kidnapping that took place a few days ago Victoria Vale the Daughter of Vicky Vale was kidnapped by the Joker 3 days ago and This Ninja was Payed a large amount of Money by Vicky to find her daughter. Just as The Ninja was about to Kill the last thug that's when Black Canary made herself noticed.

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