The Market and The Noise

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From 'The Ridge Farm Summer:

"Mary, how did you meet Freddie?"... She looked over at Freddie as he had his arm around her.

 "He came to my booth in the Kensington street market. I sold him a fabulous pair of pants!" Mary shared happily.

"How are your parents handlin' your brother's car accident?" a young woman asked as she worked on folding a pile of shirts before her.

 "They were pretty shaken up at first, but he's okay and they've been with him since it happened." Another woman answered her, pulling a box from underneath a table. It was a rather warm Friday afternoon in in the Kensington Market, the breeze catching the canopy over the sales table occasionally.

 "I'm glad he's okay.  I'm sorry I couldn't come visit when the accident happened." She said to the woman behind her.

 "Please don't worry. It's perfectly okay. Believe me, I'm just quite happy to be back selling with you." the other woman said. There were piles and piles of clothes laid out before the two women, as they had boxed themselves in with four folding tables. They had a sea of colorful scarves, gloves, hats, a few pair of shoes, socks and other miscellaneous items. The tables were nearly too full of things but when the inventory was available, it was time to move it. Neither of the town noticed that they had a customer delighted by the table full of scarves and other accessories.

 "Oh! Oh, hello there. Please let me know if I can help you find something." She said to the customer who looked up and gave her an enormous grin.

 "I don't think I need any help! Fetching, yes?" the customer asked slinging a frilly, lacey scarf around. The woman couldn't help but snicker.

 "Well, it's...I...I fear it may be a bit frilly for your taste?" she questioned. The customer laughed at her.

 "Frilly is my taste! Watch this!" The customer wrapped the gaudy scarf around their neck, putting hands on hips. "I'm simply ravishing!" The woman snickered again.

 "Um...yes...yes that's quite...fanciful." She answered, the two of them staring at one another momentarily. " want it?" she asked hesitantly, always fearing she would inadvertently pressure a customer.

 "Oh but of course! This is precisely what I need for my show tonight!" the customer said.

 "I'm sorry? You're show?" she asked.

 "Yes. I'm in a band and I love to look fabulous." There was another pause at this information. "I'm Freddie Bulsara...or you can call me Freddie Mercury!" he said, flashing a toothy smile at her.

 "My name's Mary.  Oh, Mary Austin. It's nice to meet you, Freddie." She gave him a soft smile and extended her hand to him. His smile trumped hers and was of course embellished by this ridiculous scarf. "Um...why would I call you Freddie Mercury if your name is Freddie Bulsara?"

 "It's something I'm trying on. You a sweater or...a fancy hat. I think the name is quite marvelous don't you?" he asked of her. She gave him another smile and continued to fold clothes around the tables.

 "Do you work here?" he asked, browsing her wares.

 "Yes. I attend the college but I need to supplement my income somehow. Brenda here and I have had these tables for a few months. I mean, it's not much but it certainly pays for the small things." She said.

 "I have a table here too! 7C is my spot." Freddie explained to her and pointing several rows back. must be quite the seller to have landed this spot." He said, holding up a turtleneck before him. Mary laughed.

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