Chapter 1

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The breeze was whipping through my long blonde hair that had small braids on the side that were pulled back loosely. My baby blue dress blowing in the wind behind me as I rode my horse Alqua through he forest. Her beautiful white coat and white mane and tail glistening in the sunlight that was peaking through the trees. Her hooves were pounding on the dirt path as we ran at her full speed back home to Rivendell. My father was going to be very upset that I had been gone so long, when I wasn't supposed to be gone at all. As I arrived at the gate of the castle, my sister ran out to greet me, hurrying me inside to get cleaned up for some meeting we were supposed to be having.

"Where have you been?! Father is going to be very upset, Vani." Arwen said to me as she rushed me into the bath to get the dirt and twigs off of my skin.

"I just went for a quick ride on Alqua. She has to stretch her legs every once in a while." I replied to her, dunking my head down in the water.

"You know better than to run off like that when father has called a meeting as important as this!"

"Arwen, just because I am the best rider in middle earth and the best archer, doesn't mean I should be required to attend every meeting. I'm not even sure why father wants me at this one!"

"The One Ring has been found. You of are great importance to our family, and are more than likely expected to go on the journey to destroy it."

I rolled my eyes at her before getting out of the bath and quickly getting dressed in a pale purple dress that hung slightly off of my shoulders. She braided my hair back loosely, so parts of it still cascaded around my face. I put on my silver tiara, and headed to the area that my father wanted the meeting to be held. As I walked up the winding stairs, I saw my father standing in the middle waiting for me.

"Vanimelda. Where have you been?" My father, Lord Elrond, asked me with a tone of annoyance.

"I went for a ride on Alqua. I was gone longer than expected, and I am sorry for that father." I responded as I bowed slightly to him.

"Everyone will be arriving at any moment, and you are expected to be seated next to my side when they arrive. You are the eldest daughter, and will someday take the throne. You have to start making more responsible choices, Vani."

My father walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to finally look up at him. His brown eyes meeting my bright blue ones, a look of concern upon his face. I never quite understood where I got my eyes and hair from, my father had dark brown hair and brown eyes, while I was blessed with golden hair and bright blue eyes. I had a different mother than Arwen, and my father said that is where I got it from, but she died during childbirth.

"I'm sorry father. It won't happen again." I stated as I looked into his eyes, meeting the concerned gaze he was giving me.

"And I shall trust that. Now, they are beginning to arrive. Take a seat." My father told me as he gestured to the seat next to his throne that I was to sit at.

I sat and watched as one by one they showed up and took their seats in a circle. Three dwarves, three elves, and two men. I was watching my father as each of them took a seat and waited for him to say something, when I met the gaze of two beautiful blue eyes. I quickly looked away and back at my father, awaiting his words to begin spewing out of his mouth.

"I have asked that each of you gather today to discuss The One Ring. It has been found by a simple hobbit of the shire, and I believe it should be destroyed." My father began, I quickly began ignoring the conversation, especially when everyone started yelling at one another.

I was in my own world when I heard a loud voice boom over everyone else.

"This is no mere ranger! This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the rightful heir to Gondor! You owe him your allegiance!" I heard the elf yell at the man that was suggesting we use the ring as a weapon, his blue eyes shining with anger.

"Sit down, Legolas." Aragorn said as he motioned for the elf to sit back down.

Amazingly, the elf did as he was told and backed down to his seat.

"The ring needs to be destroyed!" My father boomed over everyone.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" I heard the red haired and red bearded dwarf say as he stood up and swung his axe at the ring, shattering his axe into hundreds of pieces.

"The ring cannot be destroyed so easily, Gimli. It must be destroyed in the fires of mount doom."

"One does not simply walk into Mordor." Boromir spoke up and said, causing an uproar between everyone once again.

I began rubbing my temple, annoyed at all of the men shouting at one another, when I heard a small voice in the background.

"I will take it." I heard the small voice say, causing me to avert my gaze to the little hobbit standing next to me, "I will take it into Mordor. Although I do not know the way."

I smiled at the little hobbit for being so brave as to volunteer himself for such a journey. I kneeled beside him, taking his small hand in mine.

"Are you sure, little one?" I asked him softly.

"Someone has to do it. And seeing as my uncle is the one who found it, it is only right for me to be the one to take it to be destroyed." He replied to me, seriousness plastered all across his face.

"My name is Vanimelda, I will give you my assistance in this journey." I told him softly, my father smiling proudly behind me.

"I'm Frodo." The little hobbit responded to me softly.

"I shall help guide you in this journey, little hobbit." I heard the wizard known as Gandalf say as I stood up behind Frodo.

"And I give my sword." Aragorn said as he joined us.

"I give my bow." Legolas stated as he walked towards us and took a stand by my side.

"I shall give you my axe, master hobbit." Gimli said.

"If it is to be destroyed, then Gondor will see it done." Boromir said as he stood next to all of us.

"Wait! Mister Frodo isn't going anywhere without me!" I heard another small voice say as he ran up to us and stood next to him. A small hobbit, with red shaggy hair stood next to Frodo proudly.

"Samwise Gamgee. How could I expect any less when you weren't invited to the council, yet you were here anyway." My father said with a smile across his face.

"We are going too!" I heard two more voices say and heard their feet hitting the pavement as they ran towards us. My father snapped his head to where they were, a shocked expression on his face.

I let out a soft giggle as I placed a hand on Frodo's shoulder. His smile could have brightened an entire city.

"Very well. You shall be known as The Fellowship of the Ring." My father said proudly as he looked at all of us standing together.

I smiled back at him, and after the meeting headed back to my room. I had changed into my blue tunic, brown pants, and brown riding boots, packing my small bag full of lembas bread when I heard a soft knock at my door. I slowly walked over to it and opened it, only to see my sister Arwen standing on the other side.

"Is it true? You are joining the fellowship?" She asked me softly, worry filling her voice.

"Yes. It is a mission I must help complete. Don't worry about me, I will be fine. Keep father company while I am gone, you know how he gets." I said to her with a soft laugh, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"I assume you weren't going to leave without saying goodbye?" I heard my father question from my doorway.

"I wouldn't have dreamt of it, Father." I said to him as he pulled me into a hug.

"You are to be careful on this journey. I do not wish to lose my eldest daughter."

"I promise to be. I am with a good company of people, and I feel safe with each of them. Do not worry for my safety, I will be fine."

My father kissed the top of my head as I finished gathering my items for the journey, including my bow and arrows. I made my way to the stables to gather everything I needed for Alqua, and saddled her up to meet the others at the front gates of Rivendell.

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