What is the meaning of P & B. He asked with a calm & cool voice? He put his question so casually like they are old friends. His voice startled Khushi. She turned & saw the same person who took her coffee forcefully. He was giving her a little smile.

 She was not a person who mingled with strangers easily so she answered- '' A busy man like you have a lot of time, who is paying so much attention to the other's conversation ''.

 Arnav smiled. Actually, someone advised me to buy some time for myself. So here I am. 

 Khushi already has her back to Arnav & started to enjoy her blueberry pastry. She smiled at his response but didn't look at him. Hey, I was not intrigued. I just overheard. So I am now curious. I am sure there must be a theory that you & your friends must have developed. I just wanted to know the meaning of it. 

Khushi was now contemplating whether she should leave the cafe so that she doesn't have to interact with that person anymore. Her mug was still half-filled & pastry was half-eaten. She has already wasted 300 rupees on that richi rich. Till now she was enjoying her morning fully with her favorite latte. Arnav was good at face reading so immediately understood what she was thinking so he tried to handle the situation. Till now he was very sure that his charm will absolutely not affect her, genuinely can help. 

Hey, actually I wanted to say thank you for the other day when I took your coffee. I was in such a hurry & I had a bad headache so I just took it. 

Khushi wanted to ask that Don't they teach in his high-class school words like please, sorry, and thank you. She took a few seconds to reply to him. You know you can request, There are still lots of good people on this earth who help others. She took a pause when Arnav didn't respond but kept looking at her.

My father used to tell me that 70 percent of people are still good. But you know what, you thought that middle-class people come to this cafe so I'm offering two hundred rupees just for 10 mins wait. So I am doing a favor. That person will be very happy that without doing anything he earned two hundred rupees.

Arnav was stunned. His thoughts were exactly the same on that day. He never thought that girl would understand his folly so well. He saw her serious face so kept quiet. Khushi finished her coffee & about to get up. When Arnav saw that she was about to leave he spoke again. Can you please forgive me? I am really sorry. 

She smiled - It's Okay. I understand you must be busy. Next time just try to request. Politeness has its own charm. 

Arnav smiled at her - Next time I will keep that in mind. By the way, I am Arnav. He extended his hand to shake. Khushi hesitated for a few seconds, but finally decided to shake her hand - Khushi. Can you now tell me about the meaning of P & B?  

Khushi noted the time. She still had time. You are too curious. Actually when I was in a hostel. My friends & I divided our college crowd into three categories. Girls have three types - The first type is called 'Bitch'. These are the girls who think they own the world Because God has given them good looks. They make fools of boys & leave them at their convenience. They always made friends with girls who are underconfident & Boys who are idiots & fools or you can say who like to be used. The Second type is pushy cats - These types of girls who always daydream. They want to have good dresses and nice boyfriends. When they get a boyfriend they suffocate them. But you can manipulate them very easily. one word of appreciation, & they go to their wonderland. Same way boys have three categories too. The first is 'puppy' about which You heard my conversation & the second category is called Dogs. They use other people for their needs & then discard them. They have little feelings or no feelings. They are totally selfish. Very interesting. 

But you didn't tell me about the third category. 

Oh. Oh. You are too dumb. A few minutes earlier I told you that 70 percent are good people. So the third category goes to them. 

So the meaning of P & B. is Puppy & Bitch.

Now you are using your grey matter. You know, whenever there was an affair in college, our gang used to guess how many months it would last & in 90 % of cases our guesses were correct. 

Your gang was a very interesting group of people. 

That's true. Now I have to leave. She said after glancing at her wristwatch. Bye .

Khushi, can I drop you somewhere? 

No need, My office is there only. She pointed to one of the 2 tall buildings. 

Can you guess which category I fall into? He does not want to end the conversation or he wants to know her opinion about him. 

It was just for fun. I don't judge people so fast. 

What about you? He also stood up & walked with Khushi step by step.

My mother & brother often tell me that I am a unique piece. Okay, I have to go to that side. Bye.

She started to walk on the pavement but Arnav couldn't move. He took out his phone & dialed his driver's number but his eyes were fixed on Khushi only. He was watching her back. She didn't look back as he hoped. Somewhere he liked that girl. He wanted them to bump into each other again & have an interesting conversation like today. Till now he mingled with high-class girls only because they belong to his status. But the First time in his life he willingly went to talk to a simple middle-class girl & the first time he was dismissed without giving a thought. He was used to being admired by girls. Girls used to wait for his acknowledgment. But today he was waiting & someone didn't bother to admire him or even glance at him. He wanted to know how to be so cool & satisfied in life at such an age. He wanted to spend time in her easy company. Somehow Khushi was constantly in his mind. He thought that he was a little curious because she is different from the girls he accompanied. Khushi's thoughts were different. She saw a better version of Arnav so thanked her father who always advised her never to judge a person in the beginning.

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