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when nayeon had randomly called your number in the middle of the night, you swore you were going to rip your hair out from how late she called you.

"y/n, I'm free right now! let's go get your replacement laptop!"

you groaned as you slowly got up from your bed, "why are you free at..." you paused to look at your clock, "... 1 am in the morning?"

"do you want to get your laptop later this month or now?" she remarked.

what? just how busy was this girl? but you so desperately needed that laptop if you hoped for a chance at passing your classes. "fine. I'll meet you at the park in 10 minutes."

"alright! see you there!"

after throwing the nearest hoodie on, you slipped on your pair of sandals and began walking to the park. when you arrived, it was almost pitch dark when you saw a figure sitting one bench nearby.

you crossed your fingers that it was nayeon and not some freak psychopath ready to shank you. when you tapped their shoulder, the person turned around and asked, "who's there?"

it was a feminine voice. one you could recognize. thank god. you let out a sigh of relief as you spoke up.

"it's y/n."

"oh hi! i was worried you were going to rob me or something." she got up and walked around the bench, immediately holding your hand and tugging it.

"come on! let's go get that laptop!"

you were freaking out. did this girl have no sense of personal space? if someone saw you holding hands like this, you'd be so embarassed but you were glad it was so dark now.

after a few minutes of her leading you around, you wanted to ask her something, "why did you call me so late? you look like a student so why are you up at 1?"

from what you could make out, she shook her head, "i'm a trainee. i want to become an idol."

you wanted to make sure you heard her correctly, "an idol?"


"that's even harder than being a student!" you exclaimed, "are you okay?"

she gripped your hand a little tighter, "i'm fine y/n but thank you for worrying. it means a lot."

you followed her as she turned around the building, entering the store. from what you could tell, all of these devices were extremely out of your budget. how would she afford one at all? she was just a trainee.

"choose one. i can pay for it."

you shook your head as you glanced over at her, "no you can not. don't lie to me nayeon." she worriedly looked between you and the laptops as she was fidgeting with her small purse.

she shook her head as her eyes darted around, avoiding any eye contact with you, "i'm not lying..."

"look at me in the eyes and say it again."

she hesitated. she wasn't thinking when she said she was going to pay for a new laptop but she just felt so horrible. you didn't deserve it. she slowly turned her head to face you and finally admitted it, "fine. i can't afford it but what else can i do? you won't pass your classes because of me!"

"it's completely fine nayeon. i'll make do somehow. just stop worrying about it."

"just you wait y/n. when i'm famous you won't need to worry about laptops!"

"okay nayeon the star. you better hold up that promise!" 

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