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"So I'm guessing you are all here for guitar. If not, leave" John said in an edgy voice.

"Wow. This guy is kinda rude" Paul said out loud to himself.

"Sorry. What was that? Couldn't hear ya clearly" a voice said in front of Paul.

Paul looked up to find John Lennon walking over to him.

"Shit" Paul muttered.

"Shit is right" John scolded "didn't ya hear your supposed to respect me?"

Paul being a little posh boy sheepishly smiled and looked down.

"I'm sorry mr. Lennon" Paul muttered.

"Mr? How old are you?"

"14. 15 soon" Paul replied cooly.

"Ah. A little youngster" John laughed.

"Well you're not too much older..." Paul mumbled.

"Aye. Don't sass me. You're a sassy little one"

Paul just sat there, looking up at Lennon.

"How about you play something for us if you're so confident" John smiled.

"I- I never said I was confident" Paul stuttered.

"There's the sass again! C'mon let's see what you got" John shooed Paul up and to the front of the room with his guitar.

Paul stood there frozen.

"Well? I ain't too patient" John folded his arms and waited.

Paul cleared his throat and started strumming his guitar.

"Weeeell I got a girl with a record machine. When it comes to rocking she's the queen. Lives on the twentieth floor uptown, elevator's broken down..."

Paul continued singing the rest of the song and when he finished he stood, waiting for John to criticize him.

The rest of the class clapped, except Lennon.

"Talk with me after class" John said as he walked up to the front, "you can sit now" he motioned to Paul's seat.

Paul nodded and sat down.

Paul couldn't concentrate the rest of the class. He was afraid of what would happen after. The bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch. All the kids filed out and Paul just sat in his seat, head down.

"Get up here" John demanded. Paul quickly got up and walked to the front of the room where John was sitting.

"Y-y- *clears throat* yes?" Paul shuffled his feet.

"I like your style. It's great. I was actually wondering if you would like to hang out a little later today and play guitar together" John leaned back.

Paul cleared his throat again.

"Isn't that against the rules?" Paul raised an eyebrow.

"We're not gunna have sex or anything" Jong chuckled.

Paul's cheeks flushed. He looked down to try to hide them.

"Don't worry. I know I'm easy to fall for but you're a dude so I don't worry. And trust me we would never be a thing anyway so... you in?" John leaned forward.

Paul didn't know why he felt dismayed when John made sure to make a point that they would never and could never be a thing but he did. He started to think he was falling for his guitar teacher. And hard.

"Sure. Just get me whenever. I'm cabin four" Paul smiled.

"Great. What's your name?" John asked as he stood up.

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