"Clickety Clackety." Nicole repeats with a laugh. "How are the students around here?" She ask.

"Meh. You have Sarah and Hannah, who spend the whole class gossiping. Steve, who only cares about basketball and his girlfriend. Tammy, she's really nice, loves singing. Bailey and Joseph, definitely the nerds, always get the A's and crap. The rest are all dinguses." She laughs, pointing out students.

"Wowzers, you said you were in band what instrument do you pl..."

"Girls, stop talking class is starting." Mrs. Click said.

They girls turn to face the front, grins on their faces.

Soon it was lunch time, Nicole waited through the lunch line, grabbing her pizza slice. Gazing around the filled tables, she realized she didn't know where to sit.

Her gaze fell on Billy, who was sitting with a group. She walked up to them and began to sit down.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked her.

"I'm sitting down." She said, plopping her tray on the table.

"Not next to me." Billy says pushing her tray over, causing it to fall on the floor.

"What is your problem?" She asked beginning to pick up her tray.

"I don't want to sit next to a Bitch." He says.

"Well then why are you sitting next to them?" She says pointing at the people around him.

Billy grabs his orange juice carton throwing it at Nicole, getting the juice all over her.

"You Bitch!" She yells. "Okay, if rude to me I'll tell everyone you had to sleep with a night light until you were fourteen!" She yells.

Laughs were stifled through the students in the cafeteria.

He push her slightly causing her to slip on some of the juice that spilt on the floor, her landing in the pizza.
She gasp propping herself up on her elbows.

"If we're exposing one another, I should tell everyone here that Nicole is a virgin who hasn't even kissed a guy." Billy yells. Nicole tried kicking his ankle to make his fall over, which fails, causing him to kick her ankle hard.

She stumbles to her feet and she walks off embarrassed, and slightly limping.

Nicole exited the bathroom, in some extra clothes she brought to keep in her locker, not at all the first day outfit she wanted to be wearing. She put the dirty clothes in her locker closing the door. Once she closed it she saw Robin standing behind it.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, my brothers just a total asshole." Nicole replied.

"I wouldn't really understand, I don't have any siblings. I do have a strange cousin though that tried to run me over with a lawn mower. His name is Carl, I think he's a little messed up in the head, but..... sorry I'm rambling." Robin said.

"Your fine." Nicole responded.

The two girls headed off to their next class. The rest of the day went by fast with Nicole grabbing her skateboard and books from her locker and skating off to the arcade. She didn't want to see Billy, and already stopped by the middle school to tell Max to meet her there. She figured Max would make it there before her sure enough as she skated into the parking lot, there was Billy speeding off Max flipping him off as she went inside.

Nicole jumped off her skate board, regretting it when she remembered her sore ankle. She looked over and saw two boys hiding behind a car, one with binoculars, watching Max.

Only For You - Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now