The Parade

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We arrive at the train station and are taken into the building from which the parade will start. We rush downstairs to meet our stylists; I turn left off of the corridor. When I open the door, I am surrounded by three brightly coloured... people. The tall violet one with the cat ears, whiskers and tail screeches, "Electra! We've been waiting ages, darling! I'm Daphne!" while the one with the gravity-defying black hair and the fangs screams, "It's nice to meet you! My name's Tatiania!"
I turned to the blue haired girl with the bunny ears, obviously the sanest of the group. "I'm Veridie," she tells me.
I sit down and plan out my strategy as they scrub me, paint me and completely re-invent me. When they finally finish, they run out of a door in the wall in front of me. I hear Daphne pipe, "she's ready!"
At last, I meet my stylist. She slides out of the door and strides towards me. I know who she is, but she introduces herself any way. Adina, the woman who designed the unusually beautiful costumes for district 11 last year. She brings out a dark package. Unwrapping it, she slips the heavy dress over my head and fiddles with something around by my ears. She pushes a pair of silver boots towards me.

I look in the mirror. Staring back at me is a Sci Fi princess. She has electric blue hair with streaks of bright yellow and neon pink. She wears a silver dress decorated with spheres of blue electricity. I reach to touch the dress. Yes, it is made from metal. The boots match the dress, with more crackling electricity in the high platform soles. On my head is a pair of silver headphones. The parts that cover my ears are once again decorated with blue electricity.
Adina leads me downstairs to where the horses are waiting. Cyrix is wearing a similar all-in-one but his hair is streaked orange instead of pink.
I see Lace, the girl from District 1, in a long, one-shoulder dress made from blue silk. Diamonds glitter along the neckline. Platinum is wearing a matching jacket and trousers.
Amelia from District 2 shows up in armour and a cape. She looks so silly that the four of us burst out laughing. Her costume confuses me, though. District 2's main export is stone; why are its tributes wearing armour?
Then Adina and Cyrix's stylist, Cynthia, run out. They adjust our costumes and push us into our chariot, then disappear again. Beetee and Wiress come to wish us luck.
Before we know it, we're watching the district one chariot pull out into the streets, followed by district 2. Then it's our turn. As we emerge from the cover, the bright lights blind me. As my eyes adjust, the glittering chaos of the Capitol comes into view.
I look at the other tributes. Right out in front are Platinum and Lace in their blue silk; in front of us, Amelia and Lewis, capes flying in the breeze. Behind us are Dylan and Marina covered in shimmering turquoise scales. Behind them, I can just make out the firey red hair of District Five.
It's getting darker now, and the flickering blue lights on our costumes cast strange shadows around us. No one could possibly miss us now.
In a few minutes, we reach the City Circle. We go round for a while, waiting for all the other districts. Then district 12 joins us; we perform another loop and then disappear into the training centre.

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